
A relm of all its own wonders, constant fights amons its inhabitants and the helm race slowly taking over the entire world leads to decaying mythos.
Fantasy. Inclusive. Wartorn.
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World State
Setting Early Modernization
Climate Healthy
Population Helm Dominant
Atmosphere Peaceful
    Each Creature on the world belongs to a hierarchy and those each have "magics" that is given to them from said divine being. The divine beings also produce and pass along said divine power as they grow near the end of their divine life. The divine being of earth created holms who born from clay and rock became flesh and bone. The magics from them was creation from earth. They are gifted with talents to create from earth and stone and even refine them. From the Divine being of nature gave wind to the swift elif who nurture intelligence from runic writings, empowering the items they use into life. from the combined efforts of the winds and seas Ilarz are gifted to maintain order of small beings ranging from the ish of the seas to the dribs of the sky. Ilarzs broke apart their own powers for balance as requested from light and dark causing a trickle effect and various "clans" each with powers based after a virtue or emotion.
The Crystal Tree and the Elements

    The tree of life; coveted by the realm as a place of comfort, life, and rebirth. Guarded by the white knight and its army of trained warriors. This tree is known to be made of a dense yet fragile gem, the tree roots like a normal tree but is made of hyper pressured rock formed typically within the earth. It is the very root of G'ahelms DNA structure and its various creatures. as Mutations and adaptations happen for eons it is the white knights' job to collect the DNA of the evolution and give it to the tree. Artificial evolution or natural evolution it is apart of its job. The tree will collect all forms of life even if it is extraterrestrial. The white knight will then make sure that as natural selection continues the rebirth of the fallen reborn into the current strand of stronger natural selection.
Elementals were created from the heart of the tree; born as basic eggs and given life. These eggs were uprooted in their specified elements by the tree and given natural heart and instinct to create life.


    As gods go; there are extremely powerful beings, "God" is labeled as a title for this realm. As such there are various labels for the realms "deities" or "gods". They are a title as the power can be passed down willingly or reborn. it takes eons upon eons before the idea of a passing of the title and it can not be won in combat.

The top watches of all the realms and realities are considered overseer's of light and dark; however dark is generally referred to as chaos and light is typically referred to as order. if there is a problem with the order it is the chaos that makes the balance of the realms fixed and once more in turn for chaos. The current overseers are also the fate weavers of the cosmos and wish granters of life.

Under the beings of order and chaos we have the various elemental deities of many worlds however we will talk about G'ahelm. In G'ahelm we have the tree of life with its heart held within its draconian white knight. We had the mother of nature and her peace abiding magic ruling creatures of the greens. We had the titans of the earth and their beloved intuitive being of craft, not gifted with magic but with the highest form of imagination and innovation. Song and sound were given to the lovers of peace from the seas. The missing diety of air has not been recorded in ages and even its children are few and far between; most know that those that were granted flight were blessed with the breath of the sky.

Main cast