DecafStorage's Bulletins

I have a bit of an obsession with Greek mythology along with other mythology including Celtic and Norse! It’s not limited to just those ofc, those are just my main interests!

I can also offer art as well!!

DO NOT REMOVE TAGS! Includes some cs like GYO’s and bagbeans!! 

Looking for SFW and NSFW ship art And maybe a few single pieces, offering characters from here. Please keep values in mind when offering

Quality > Quantity 


LV situation

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago by DecafStorage

Fucking hell I cannot believe this needs to be said. I do not support or condone homophobia or trans phobia and I have made my own decision on how to go about after learning this info. I am finishing the payment on the one character I was getting from them before knowing about it and that's it. 

Stop fucking borderline harassing me over it

 Finishing this off does not mean that I'm supporting homophobia or transphobia and I'm sorry but it's fucking ridiculous if you think that owning a character design made by them is supporting homophobia or transphobia. 

 I mean fuck's sake I'm pan and non binary gender fluid

 I wanted to keep my opinions and views to myself but clearly that isn't allowed because God forbid I am apparently homophobic now too just by owning a design🤦‍♀️

 Anyway you aren't homophobic by owning one of their designs or buying 1 from a second party. You're supporting the person who you are buying at from if you're buying from a second party

Transaction Tracker

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by DecafStorage

If I purchase an oc from you from here on, please comment the date, oc(s), and price! 

00/00/0000, $0, [what was purchased]

 Using this as a log so I remember which character it was, how much it was, and who I got it from ! As well as for log proof for anyone I bought em from

Regarding the psa

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by DecafStorage

I am going to just put this up for now as a place holder I guess but I thought things had died down with this for the most part. I will at some point release of full statement or whatever but for now the easiest way to say it was I was in an abusive household situation, my legal guardians were using my money, and I had permission to use their card as I did not have my own bank account/they would not let me get my own bank account. The money I spent was money that was owed to me from the lawsuit following my biological mothers death in 02 (money left to me of at least 50k)

My guardians avidly deny the money exists or belongs to me despite written proof of its existence. On top of that using bonds put in my name and cashing them for themselves 

 I made it clear that I was moving out in there was nothing that they could do to stop me and in retaliation they opened a bunch of charge backs . That's how all of those charge backs happened on pay pal. It was not my intent or idea to scam anyone and all of the charge backs were canceled and everyone received their money back. All of the charge backs had been canceled on my pay pal as well and not a single dime put back in to my pay pal pal account.  I have my own bank account now and my own source of income and money. Every purchase I make is my own with my own money. I admit during that whole thing I should have been more open but I did not really want to give out a lot of details because at the time I was concerned about doxing myself  Or something along the likes considering it was something I was debating on escalating to court against my guardians. If people are still concerned about getting charge backs in such, all I can say is I have no reason nor intent to charge back anyone and never did. I am not trying to scam anybody.

I will likely put up a video explaining the whole situation in depth at a later time when it's not 3 am