
The independent islands are islands not ruled by the main 3 countries. Any islands discovered since the union of the 3 islands are permitted to be named by the founder for the sake of being marked on the map.

  • Central is, as it sounds, a central island. It serves as a peace treaty between Atharia, Esthios and Labath. The island was blessed by a Deity, who set up a barrier to protect against monsters- the further away from Central, the weaker the barrier. Quests are handed out to guilds here, as well as rewards. Adventurers must come here to gain their license before they can accept quests from a guild.
  • Jade Island is varied in scenery from forests to mountains to small clans of friendly natives. The island has no harbour thus is uncommonly visited by normal civilians but it has some of the most beautiful natural structures, lakes and waterfalls in Astrelin
  • Li-to is a small island rich in naturally grown fruits. Seeds from these fruits are often harvested to grow them on the main lands however caution is taken to preserve trees and plants to keep it fruitful. 
  • The snowy and mountainous small island, Estal. It's incredibly cold and inhabited by yetis. Adventurers don't often try and explore due to the harsh cold. It is somewhere far off of the east coast of Atharia. Despite being on the border of  the dead zone, there isn't much in the way of threat other than the weather.
  • Draoqunia is an island that contains ruins. These ruins are ancient, and must be at least 100,000 years old. However the technology and ruins found there is surprisingly advanced- too advanced for how old it is... Not many people adventure there due to this. Something about the island is malicious and scary...
  • Lostalia is a lost island that supposedly exists- no one knows if it's real or not, as anyone who has tried to find it has died. Legend has it that a fountain of immortality lies there amongst unlimited treasures.