

Slice of life Mystery Adventure

From 'Hybrid' and 'Prism', reflecting the state of the earth currently.

'Hyprillia' is the region in the northwest which there are sentient creatures on earth, parts of earth now being considered either dead zones via unlivable deserts, or parts of the planet being completely submerged underwater. All that's left now is islands- some large, some small, mostly inhabited by tanta.

In this day and age there are no humans on earth and very few pure animals and plants... Over eons of evolution has created bizarre, unimaginable hybrids between humankind, fauna, flora, and god knows what else. The humans we know are extinct, and only tantakind remain.

Very few islands in Hyprillia hold languages other than English due to colonization. Fishing is a common trade in all areas. Boating is more well-known than driving, and planes don't appear to be much of a thing anymore (why? fuck, i don't know). Culture is more combined between everyone, everywhere, mostly because our current cultures no longer exist.

Hyprillia is made up of several islands, and those islands all hold provinces, so it's fairly big.

Warnings: Some stories/characters contain very dark content, it really depends on the character

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