
Main OCS

All characters in this folder are my main ocs. These are forever homed and will never be sold. Do not ask if I will sell them and do not offer on them. Any characters in here are mainly online personas or characters that have a deep connection to me and a connection to the things I like. Please respect that!

Persona Main OCs Online Sona NFS


All are MLP characters! They are ordered from my Primary to Tertiary. Many of these characters are forever homed, this means some will never be sold. There will also be sub folders with my comfort MLP characters. Please respect all characters and their respective folders.

MLP MLP Species Tentative Story OCs

Anthro Animals or Feral Animals. Either a fersona or some lion king characters to give you an idea on what type of characters are in this folder. There is certain characters in here that are forever homed and will never be sold. Mostly due to certain connections to me. You are free to ask if the tags on the characters say they are open for offers.

Cats Dogs Mythical Others

Closed Species

Any characters here are part of closed species. A good majority are MLP Species. Nearly all characters are forever homed! Please do not offer on these characters unless they have the proper tags the indicate such. Feel free to check out these characters if you like lore and stories!

Species MLP Furries Others


All are either human characters or human-like characters. Some are forever homed while others are being redesigned or something else. Many characters are for video games I enjoy and love. There is also some that are older characters that'll never get sold. Please respect that, thank you!

Humans Demons Video Games Aliens
Sale Folder

Any and all charactesr are for sale and up for offers! Please feel free to comment and offer if there is a character you are interested in. Some characters may have redesigns later on if they are not sold. All characters will be sorted into different subfolders, ie: Adopts, Money Only, Trades Only, or Mix.

Adopts Trades Money Mix

Directory HTML by Pinky

NFS Forever Homed MLP UFO Trade Only Closed Species Pegasus Earth Pony Dracosuccus Exoequines Money Offers Feline Unicorn Comfort Vesper Mythical Animals Genshin Inspired TLK Canine Bat Pony