DiamondSkrill's Bulletins

I am very new bare with me!

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by DiamondSkrill

Hello everyone that might see this, I'm Skrill! I finally was encouraged to make a ToyHouse after not knowing how to or what TH was actually was. I know the very basics of submitting characters and that's pretty much it. 

So I don't know how to work Toyhouse as much as others, I am trying my best X,D I literally posted this in a comment section thingie cause I had no idea what a bulletin was till now! So learning as I go. I would like to point out a lot of my characters that I own, I've lost their creators name or don't have their TH! I am doing my best to go by off memory since I've own most of my characters for years and have lost their information! If you recognize any design and know the artist please let me know so I can credit them properly!! I will not ever take credit what I have not personally created! I meant no harm if I get the artist incorrect or don't have a artist listed just politely comment on the character's profile and correct me. I am also not the best explaining so I hope this makes sense cause this is becoming a ramble XD

Edit: Soo...I've notice I still images in my phone gallery of designs I remember selling/trading/gifting and other designs I'm questioning myself if I do still own them myself, I have really bad bad memory- if I post a character that is owned by someone else or you remember I sold you the character once again please politely comment or message me to take down! I am really sorry! 

So..yeah! Thanks for hopefully understanding!