Dieselpvnk's Bulletins


Posted 2 months, 25 days ago by Dieselpvnk

co-op game recs?

Posted 5 months, 1 day ago by Dieselpvnk

cannn anyone recomment co-op games that are fun with just two players and prefferably has a low skill ceilling

also hi i like never post anything here anymore, im in fandom hell

valentine card

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Dieselpvnk

twitter and tumblr really liked it so there ya go


Downpour's really good

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Dieselpvnk

So I finished all of the campaigns so I'm continuing with the fanart and will be posting here in bulletins :'] (also on my tumblr https://dieselpvnk.tumblr.com/ , check it out, I post there semi consistently and I'm done with random downpour rambles) anyway behold - a wet mouse. Also some of my thoughts about each campaign in spoiler if anyone's curious


First of all, I loved donwpour it’s great and there’s so much content. I still have expeditions and challenges to tackle.

Saint:  I really thought I wouldn’t like this campaign all that much, but I  stand corrected, hypothermia mechanic is very fun (also I did not figure  out that lanterns keep you warm until I beat it) and even the slight  changes to the regions feel so new and exciting. Tho based on what I’ve  heard I through I’d like rubicon more, but alas, while it’s fun at first  I think it’s too big of a region.

Artificer: KILL MURDER  VIOLENCE very fun, Metropolis is now one of my favourite regions, always  wanted something something like that, Scorched District is one of my  favourite modded regions after all. Explosives and Artificer’s mobility  are also great and never get old. The story is sad :’[ makes me feel a  lot better about kiling scavs. Died so many times during this campaign  it’s ridiculous.

Rivulet: going fast is very cool, I loved it.  Got kinda frustrated in The Rot, but that’s a me problem, I entered  throught wall and went in the complete opposite direction than I was  supposed to, so it took me a bit to find the cell. Submerged  Superstructure was very impressive. When it didn’t lag that is, I had to  turn off sharpener and camera scroll mods in hopes it would run better.  Later found out one of the reasons it lags is my pc really doesn’t like  giant jellyfish, they’re now banned from the world as a whole.

Gourmand:  weird (in a good way) gameplay, took me a bit to figure out all the  nuances but it was really nice figuring out stuff, just like when i  first played Rain World. The endeing is just so <3<3<3<3  it’s beautiful I love it so much, and the fact that it opens the  possibility for Survivor and Monk to get a better ending <3<3

Spearmaster:  the least fun for me :’[ I already do not like Underhang and spiders,  and now they made Underhang 2.0 !!! Torturous !! The Precipice wasn’t  much. Used dev tools a lot to get around the map to finish the campaign  quickly. Perhaps I would’ve enjoyed it more if I didn’t try to rush it  to unlock Saint, maybe I’ll give it a proper shot later.


Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Dieselpvnk

been really enjoying playing downpour (rain world dlc) and I wanna draw something for each of the campaigns (finished artificer, gourmand and rivulet so far), here's a drawing for artificer's campaign because I'm kinda proud tho not 100% happy with it

Open Species WOOO!!!

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Dieselpvnk

literally can't believe i forgot to promote it, go check it out its by bestie !! https://toyhou.se/~world/132026.ghoulfools-reanimated-

LF Art Trades

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Dieselpvnk

I really wanna do art trades, but at the same time I have a lot of things to do so I'm probably gonna be picky SORRY !! Also a note for commissioners: I AM working on comms I swear

So anyway, if anyone's interested in an art trade just comment what kind of trade (i.e. headshot, chibi, fullbody, etc) and link the character you'd like drawn ! Also keep in mind that I will not start workimg on the art until I receive the finished piece (had too many bad experiences)

Character design concept

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Dieselpvnk

learned about cherenkov radiation today and its the perfect inspiration for a design


they're made of energy contained in a reactor >:'] lets hope i actually finish the design, I have so many concepts in my sketchbook that I never finished and never will

i was reminded i can actually do that, i just never bother to. Even kinda sad its all gonna be gone by the time i add clothes and do lineartimage.png(still needs some tweaks but whatever)