DigitalKaleido's Bulletins

After some thinking and too much stress over trying to organize this account I have decided to create a new one so I can store my personal ocs and leave this one exclusively to adopts, sales, commissions and etc. All remaining ocs in this account are UFO, keep in mind im not in any hurry to get rid of them and some are still tent.

The new account is GOGSLOP if anyone wants to follow me there to see my personal ocs, art and stuff! most stuff is still heavily a wip and I still have to organize a bunch of stuff in this account too, but id figure id let people know :]!


Posted 6 months, 26 days ago by DigitalKaleido

EO on some characters

Posted 9 months, 18 days ago by DigitalKaleido

Taking tentative trade offers on some characters I dont use

Comment here to get authorized

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by DigitalKaleido

Okaaaaay bcz of the th nft stuff I watermarked all my art, now the full images are only for authorized ppl only!! So anyways if you want to get authorized you can comment here

Ok so like ive had a bunch of charas pending for art on my sale folder for now and like I never had any tos about art offers neither the guts to ask for updates or owed art so like im changing it now 🤨

People that owed me art but payed atleast delivered one owed art are going to recieve their charas. You don't owe me anything also no remorse!! As for people that literally just delivered nothing and vanished, I will be re-opening the charas for offers again, again, no remorse, if you want to offer art again on them feel free, just please follow the below

As for now, I will still accept art offers in my charas!! Just please gave me atleast a wip in a week, if I havent recieved any notices or wips for 1 month I will re-open the chara for offers