DinamoFoxior's Bulletins

Re: Codes & This Account

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by DinamoFoxior

Important Update

Hey everyone, been awhile yeah? It's been like, what? A year? Regarding coding and this account in general, I probably won't be releasing any new or polished codes anywhere in the near future. I've been real busy and don't have any time to code or keep this account very active anymore. I'm mostly making this announcement because I actually have a pretty sizable following here that subscribes for codes and stuff, just a reminder that this too is a personal account I upload normal characters in so it's best to unsubscribe or turn off notifications for bulletins and uploads if you're just here for the codes.

I will still answer code-related questions (though probably really late, I don't check ToyHouse much) and keep my current (polished) codes up, so there's nothing to worry about there. So yeah I guess that's it, I just wanted to mention it since it's almost been a year since my last bulletin and my account has kinda been held to a standstill.

tl;dr: I won't be posting codes anymore (not often or soon at least), feel free to unsubscribe or close notifications so you won't get bombarded with non-code related stuff.

Unlisted Codes

Posted 2 years, 21 days ago by DinamoFoxior

Unlisting Codes
Heyooo, little update once again, I'll be unlisting all of my codes to basically "polish" them again since I have a week or two of free time. My first 3(? 4?) codes are completely fine but the rest are kinda buggy and I still haven't gotten around to updating them the last time lol. If a code still has my old glowy diamond credit then it's probably somewhat broken and I don't 100% recommend using it, ofc it still works but it's a bit inconvenient to edit. (And probably hell to fix if you ever mess something in the code up) I'll be listing the codes again once im all done with them since I'll also be updating my coding header and code folder.

tl;dr: Codes with the glowy diamond as code credit probably won't work very well also I unlisted my codes to "polish" and update them (again).


Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by DinamoFoxior

Mini-Update + FA Icons 6
Been awhile! Sorry for being inactive, haven't been feeling the best lately, idk when i'll be able to make more codes soon or when my next code update will be, but if you haven't already noticed or heard, toyhouse updated their fontawesome icon version! I HIGHLY suggest updating to the new version because a lot of codes WILL appear broken for you! You can 'update' by clearing out your browser cache. The new icon version redesigned most icons and added a few new ones.

tl;dr: I probably won't be posting codes much also clear your browser cache for the icon update.

Code polishing + theme updating

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by DinamoFoxior

Polishing previous codes & updating my code theme
You may or may not have noticed that my newest code (ornaments) uses a different code credit and different instructions in the code, that's because imma be updating all my previous codes! I won't be 'revamping' or 'remaking' them like I did with my super old codes, i'll just be polishing them since some of them have problems I wasn't able to solve at the time. I'll also be updating my codes' 'theme'- as in.. the coding folder and headers. The neon vibe is kinda tacky (for me) so imma just edit it the same way I edited my profile.

This will be my last bulletin for the year, I hope you guys enjoy the rest of december and the new years!

Coding Semi-Hiatus (Probably)

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by DinamoFoxior

coding hiatus
Eyo everyone!! I've kinda been really busy lately, and I don't have that many coding ideas anyways, so i'll be taking an official hiatus! Well, semi-hiatus I guess. I'll definitely make personal codes and still reply to code related things, it's just that I most likely won't be releasing any new codes this month, sorry 'bout that! :(

See you all in a bit!

Recoded my profile woo

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by DinamoFoxior

Recoded my profile recently, i'll be releasing the profile code I used later on!

Also, as an update on this month's 2nd code, I will be releasing it maybe around one of the 20-days, and I may or may not be taking a little longer to churn out codes due to irl stuff, so sorry abt that

Smol rule update

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by DinamoFoxior

Ok so I updated my code rules recently, nothing much but I just wanted to say! I've applied the rule change to every profile; so if you're curious go check it out. I just changed the way I wrote the rules and put a few clarifications.

Name change + Deleted all codes

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by DinamoFoxior

Ayyy so I finally changed my name lol If you use a code of mine, please credit me using DinamoFoxior instead of DinamoDaushund;;

Also, I deleted all my codes, and they are only accessible through links now. I will eventually remaster them and fix errors and stuff in them, but for now, i'll be making new codes and stuff.

Sooooo Im going to be deleting all my codes soon since I kinda wanna rebrand, my current username is long and just wayyy too much of a mouthful imo, I usually go by a general username but for some reason i didnt decide to on this account??

But ya, if you use any of my codes and they get deleted, please edit the credit with my new username <3 The codes will possibly still be accessible through pastebin links though, im still working on revamping my characters page overall and organizing shit cuz its so goddamn all over the place rn.

just a small update for people who subbed cuz of codes lol