Night Town

A town cloaked in an eternal night. Those who live here are of the creepy, monsterous, or murdery variety, but they all get along quite well and have a great community. No one can die for good here anyway.

Has a slight mystery element when a normal, not fucked up, human wakes up in the town with no memory of how she got there.

The Human: The human of Night Town. She doesn't know how she got there or how to leave. She dies a lot and Mori especially likes to chase her with his butcher knife. Sometimes she sleeps on the bus or at bus stops so she doens't get killed in her sleep.

The Bus Driver: The only bus driver in Night Town. He generally sticks to the bus station, his bus or bus stops. The most common way to travel in Night Town since most of the citizens don't own vehicles of their own. Absolutely no killing is allowed on his bus or at the bus stops. These are considered neutral grounds between even the most bitter of enemies. The Bus Driver himself is trustworthy and secretive and is one of the oldest citizens in the town.

The Rabbit: Mori || Mori is an apathetic rabbit man. At first glance, he seems shy and even somewhat kind, but when he gets his hand on a butcher knife, his personality flips and he can't hold himself back from taking swings, laughing the whole time.

The Demon: Lux || Lux is a demon of great renown and infamy. Those who encounter him rarely survive. Is alleged to have be in a relationship with The Moth Bride.

The Cat: A mischievous cat girl who absolutely adores the human. Has a feud with The Rabbit as a result.

The Velveteer: The self-proclaimed "Velveteer" is a insightful and charismatic man who's been around as long as the Bus Driver. His bakery is a safe zone, but only as long as he doesn't decide he wants to slice up a particularly annoying patron. He's a bit on the vain side in regards to his baking and is known to be easily annoyed by anyone who dislikes his work. Often gets teased by the other citizens who have been around a long time as a result of him making up his title.

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