Famiglia Eden

"Heavy is the crown and, in Salem, Godfather is King."

The Mafia

the members
mikel: godfather - "the headless horseman" - a businessman who employs ruthlessness and charisma to get what he wants.
roan: consigliere - "fairy godmother" - chaos incarnate. unpredictable and capricious, he spends more time chasing his own whims than helping out.
kade: mafioso - "the big bad wolf" - a handsome warrior unafraid of getting his hands bloody. accompanied by his dogs, perseus and theseus, who assist him on his missions.
vittoria: consort - "the evil queen" - a beautiful woman unafraid of flaunting her looks to get close to her enemies or confidential information. has a soft spot for mikel.
brennan: spymaster and assassin - "loptr" - a man who once lived solely for revenge. he lives in the shadows, and his little birds are always listening and watching.
brietta: poisoner - "rose red" - a seemingly normal college student who tends to the poisonous garden owned by roan. cheerful, which clashes with her sadistic tendencies.
shay: hacker - "prince charming" - a handsome but aloof man who prefers the company of his video games and computers to other people.

delphin: a blind lace who is protected by the mafia alongside his sister. cold and blunt with a bad attitude to top it off, he doesn't get along with most people.
danae: a blind lace amaranto who is protected by the mafia alongside her brother. shy and skittish, she doesn't trust easily and would rather hide behind delphin than associate with others.
kegan: a forget-me-not angel who was mikel's best friend in life. the two got up to crazy adventures together, but not even his friendship could save kegan from darkness.

link to syn's mafia ocs

inspirations: town of salem

nft female paired single male blue eyes fc closed species underage cs blonde hair fire emblem oc x canon yellow eyes red hair white hair pantheon deceased mafia black hair