
"Put your hands together and pray. Let's make our gratitude obvious! I mean, we shouldn't pray only when we want something. We should consider how the gods must feel once in a while. We should even take on some of their burden."

The Pantheon

the gods
koray: god of the moon; gentle but quiet. he dutifully spreads his gentle light across the land at night, his eyes ever set on the horizon gleaming in the distance.
inti: goddess of the sun; thoughtful, mature, and benevolent. every day, she spreads her light across the world while holding the moon close to her heart.
veles: god of death and ruler of the underworld; although the will-o-wisps that surround him give him a fearsome reputation, veles is an old soul who would really like some rest.
sanibel: goddess of hope, peace, and purification; carrying hope in her heart, she sought to create a world without pain for the sake of all humanity, but failed and was trapped for her betrayal instead.
cyther: god of knowledge; a dimensional traveler constantly seeking new things to learn, his library is often the target of selfishness and treasure-hunters.
azriel: fallen god of the western river; one of the first gods to bless humanity, his river was dried up for architecture. he scours the land in search of a home he will never find again.
oriel: fallen god of the eastern river; one of the first gods to bless humanity, his river was polluted beyond all recognition, causing his heart to grow as dark as his waters.
romulus: fallen god of balance and order; although humans are quick to believe he is the better between him and his brother, romulus has no compassion or kindness to spare for any individual. he perished in a battle with his brother.
cert: fallen god of chaos and disorder; a mischief-maker who was born the polar opposite of his brother. they were destined to disagree and fight for supremacy. it is not common knowledge that he was reborn and still roams the world today.
cypria: goddess of love and romance; a gentle soul who chooses to see the world through rose-tinted lens. altruistic to a fault.
zaiden: god of light and protector of the people; legends say that when chaos roamed the land, a warrior wielding a golden bow staved off monsters with a goddess by his side.
noel: god of the ocean and music; a mermaid prince with magic at his disposal and a penchant for music. his beautiful eyes betray a deep-rooted sadness in his soul.

allies & associates: minor deities and gods.

link to syn's pantheon ocs

inspirations: okami and the greek pantheon

nft female paired male single blue eyes fc closed species fire emblem underage cs blonde hair oc x canon yellow eyes red hair white hair pantheon deceased mafia black hair