DolliHime's Profile Comments

Hiya! Your art is soo good! Please can I request for 1 in freebies? Its ok if not allowed ^^

helo n sure! 


Btw I mean the actual character 1

can u link the chara or comment on their profile? :o I'm not sure which one your talking bout >X

Nvm can I have SpacePuff instead? She’s so cute!

hello ;-; i jus wanted to make sure the gift transfer was for mee, was a surprise!! 

algjekal oh my bad i got the usernames wrong ahh im so sorry ;;v;;

no worries<3

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np!! yu have so many cute babes <33 ;w;

I love your art!

Aww thank you so much!! <333 ;w;

Ofc! qwq So hru?

hehe ngl a bit stress since im starting college next week >V>

hbu? >V<

Oof, im fine. *Trys to think of a good question and fails*

haha x3

if yu like, yu can dm me and we can talk about a lot of stuff! ;w;

liekkk.... favorite desserts ! or super deep questions... liekk --cant think of anything atm but feel free to input yur thoughs on this-

2 Replies
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You're welcome! ; w ;

Thank you for following me 

You're welcome!! ;w;