

personal • fantasy • slice-of-life

Home to characters made for my personal OC world, which is an ever-expanding and changing sandbox project that I've had for a decade. There's no overarching narrative, just a lot of characters dropped into a world and left to interact with each other. Just for fun, but they're very dear to me. :) ♥

cws: scars, clowns, content warnings will be added to individual chars when needed


dungeons • dragons • neither of those, actually

I play Dungeons & Dragons! Not well, but I play it! Most of my campaigns are on some form of hiatus or ended, but I care about my PCs so very much, so they all get individual attention regardless of the state of their game. I play primarily homebrew campaign settings, in 3.5e or 5e, and with friends or family only. :)

cws: content warnings will be added to individual chars when needed


multiple universes • personal • dark fantasy

Started as me just messing around with the Sims 4 Vampires DLC, but quickly got out of hand. The cast of characters are now split up into two universes, one being their original modern fantasy setting, and the other being a medieval fantasy setting that I developed from the ground up. They both have their merits, but the Fantasy AU is where my heart lies as I've always been more of a fantasy person!

cws: vampires, blood, content warnings will be added to individual chars when needed

Fan Characters

guild wars • splatoon • more tba

I don't have that many fan characters these days, and most of the ones here are my player characters in video games, but they're still my buddies! Right now I have Guild Wars (1 and 2) characters and Splatoon characters here, but there will probably be some more down the line ...

cw: scars, content warnings will be added to individual chars when needed


RP chars • lots of subfolders • ???

This is a catch-all folder for characters that don't fit into all the aforementioned folders. It's empty right now, but will house characters from shared universes with friends, for RP groups, and potentially other things. Once I get around to it, that is ...

cws: content warnings will be added to individual chars when needed

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