Doodler2001's Profile Comments

Hi! I forgot who I was sposta draw for lavender q-p

If you go to my other th (Doodler_2001) anyone from the sonas folder is fine :3

Remember my offer on ? You said I'll accept that offer for fae, I put, When i finish teh art can i claim fae? Is Still pending to me? ^^"

O yeah, I had Fae pending for you but not Lavender. What was your offer for them again? 

1 full, 1 lighted bust, 1-2 Small refs ^^

O! Ok, I thought that was your offer for Fae, I must’ve gotten it mixed up oops 

lol It's fine! >

So your just offering for lavender and not Fae correct? Just making sure so I can put the right one in the pending folder! 

3 Replies

And, Who was i sposta draw? qwq