
A place where I put characters I have fallen out of love with, design-wise or for other reasons!

Feel free to DM me with offers!

male derse prospit female danganronpa olive life purple jade violet dragon rust witch fuchsia canine werewolf fusion gold heir vampire hope heart gijinka bronze indigo ftm space thief prince breath rogue teal light doom blood void non-binary rage knight harry potter oc lord cerulean hybrid mage demon fairy rabbit werecat half elf alien feline slytherin moonbeast seer time pokefusion sphinx wolf ghost dog chameleon litwick shapeshifter sliggoo anon sylph angel page unicorn hawk chipmunk were-shark horse merman rockruff bunny grumpus tiny red velvet were-kitsune poodle gigglepork clinical lycanthrope maegen mind centaur reptilian satyr siren human seal jersey devil bard cosmog wishiwashi zamazenta Eevee seel flamingo harpy fish man yak ermine otter snowy owl were-velociraptor were-deer moon fairy seahorse alolan ninetales mutant bugsnax slug galaxy eevee dragonborn cat hyena monster hellhound will-o-wisp fire zombie shapeshifting power mechanic slime seaweed deerling were-lizard hufflepuff mega-able quirk Fusion piplup kirin wolverine air elemental cow raccoon gila monster rat meerkat elf anthro star fairy darkrai seadweller spinel bean jabberwock durge genderfluid fuschia maid shadow elemental banette luna moth earth elemental meowstic mega shiny tropius Cosmog pigeon skunk nature elemental phoenix blue jay donkey lion lynx were-corgi were-rat pony parasite sylveon keldeo bat marshmallow alice in wonderland possum pig eastern dragon fire elemental crocodile water elemental butterfly demon merperson zorua stufful mothman ice elemental gorgon mummy lime vulpix cyndaquil squirtle zweilous mismagius polar bear fox bee bear hybrid tiger ferret panther