Tribe of Misfits

The Tribe of Misfits
A small run down of who they are:
This Tribe is made up of a bunch of Pokemon who escaped a crumbled labratory in which humans have done many various experiments on the said creatures. Many specialised in fusions and typings.
The tribe is lead by a Luxray known as Grayson. He's one of the few pokemon who have been around in the labratory for many years, he was known for comforting the others and reassuring them when times were tough. The respect he gained through his time at the lab had earned him the leader title for the tribe.

The tribe itself has many 'roles' given out to each member. They are also welcome to outsiders who wish to join them. They're known to put new members through trials to prove their loyalty.
The roles consist of: Leader, Second In Command, Medic, Medic's apprentice, Guards, Hunters, Scavengers, Apprentices, Carers, Younglings and Elders.

Role information:
- Leader: The Pokemon that leads the tribe, they're the one who makes the decisions and are there to make sure their tribe is safe and healthy.
- Second In Command: The S.I.C is the Pokemon who works beside the Leader, advising yet learning for the day they replace the leader. They organise patrols and make sure the tribe is working as they should.
- Medic: The Medic is the tribe's healer. They are known to avoid battles, fighting or hunting of any kind. Their main job is to keep the tribe alive. They gather herbs and items that can help with injury and sickness.
- Medic's App,: This role is reserved for the apprentice that the Medic decides is worthy enough to help them and inevitably take over their role as Medic. Their job is to learn everything they can from the Medic and assist when needed.
- Guards: These pokemon are chosen to protect the tribe and be on the look out for potential danger or wanderers. When threatened, they along with hunters are known to step in to protect their tribe.
- Hunters: A hunter's main job is to hunt food for the carnivores of the tribe, Though they have a secondary job which is to fight and protect the tribe when under threat.
- Scavengers: These pokemon are similar to the Hunters, though they are mostly on the look out for berries and more vegetarian type foods. They do not fight like the hunters. Instead they assist the Carers and Elders in collecitng bedding and such to keep them comfortable.
- Apprentices: These pokemon are young pokemon who have grown out of their 'youngling' stage and are now undergoing training to become either a Guard, a Hunter or a Scavenger.
- Carer: These pokemon are usually the parents, mostly mothers, of the younglings. Their main job is to feed and raise their young until apprenticeship. Once they're done raising their young, they can either return to their previous duty (Hunter or Scavenger) or they can assist other carers. If their previous role was a Guard, they will need to under go quick training.
- Younglings: The younglings are typically the children and newborns of the tribe. They have no specific job and are under the care of the Carers until Apprenticeship.
- Elders: These pokemon are retired members who are incapable of performing the jobs of the tribe. These pokemon get to relax and enjoy their retirement. Sometimes from old age or possibly disability (Depending on severity such as blindness or hearing loss)ย 

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