Steven Universe

The Ornamental Empire

Night Court (Royal Court) and  Sun Court (Legend Court): The oldest Courts, created during the beginnings of the universe, their Diamonds maintain the largest number of colonies and have the most authority amongst the courts. [The Quintessential Diamonds]

Aqua Court (Mystery Court) and Flame Court (Warrior Court): Created a long time after the Night and Sun courts (Night created Aqua, Sun created Flame) but not young by any means. Their Diamonds used to be in a feud, but are no longer once the Nature and Mind courts were created. [The Supreme Diamonds]

Nature Court (Wild Court) and Mind Court (Science Court): The youngest Courts, created recently as a truce by the Aqua and Flame courts to investigate and research the many lifeforms found amongst the cosmos. Their Diamonds may be inexperienced compared to the others, but work to prove themselves in their own ways. [The Distinguished Diamonds]