Dragon-Burn's Bulletins

Ello all!!

So I've been doing a lot of group and adopt art- and haven't had many relaxing projects. I have still been in a small design mood though.
I was hoping to find any Freebies people want gone, or any cheap adopts that ya'll don't mind me taking and redesigning for myself!

Devoma Anniversary!! [MYO Event]

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Dragon-Burn

Ello ello!
So, I not so recently(anymore) joined another species- very sci-fi fun space stuff!!
It's called Devoma- they're currently having a fun Anni MYO event!!
Incredibly worth it--
The lore for the different races, world and pets (of course) all seemed really cool. Like pets alone, who am I to say no to a bitey noodle??
And the first bean you design is free- so you get a normal free bean and a fun/chaotic anni bean. So I could really just dive in.. and I did. Maybe designed another from a different event and one from group currency..
Just trust me- it's not as hard as you'd expect to get more myo's, the system is super fair and genuinely pretty fun to use!

I usually don't have expectations on the community vibes, especially if I already adore the lore and creatures.. I've had some bad experiences and some pretty good ones.
This?? The community is amazing, a very much 'my people' kind of vibe.
Being pretty neurodivergent with a lack of comfy spaces- It's incredibly nice let me tell you.
I got excited, aand I pulled some friends in.. well I don't think I'll leave anytime soon ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ


Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Dragon-Burn

Hey all- heavily suggesting turning off auto playing videos on your media, especially twitter again ;v;

Theres been some nasty people sharing videos and pictures.. so especially if you can't handle death or blood, please turn off the auto play

(I'm willing to help you figure out how if you need)

V Some how to's I have


-Click on “More” in the left-hand menu, and then on “Settings and privacy.”

-Go to "Accessibility, display and languages"

-Click "Data Usage" and set to Autoplay to "Never"

If using the apps, look at these https://prnt.sc/whwnmx 


-Go to the drop-down menu at the top right of the page.

Select “Settings & Privacy” > “Settings.”

-Look for the “Videos” listing on the left-hand menu. Inside of that option is a toggle where you can turn off autoplaying videos.

(at the very bottom under support inbox)

If using the apps, look at these https://prnt.sc/whwlet 

Please let me know if you need help finding another site's stuff!!

Come Beta Test this ARPG Group!!

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by Dragon-Burn

While it's on the new side, I would say TARPG has a wonderful start!  
Which will get better with the more feedback they receive~  

Not only does that help them improve this project, but that also makes an awesome ARPG for us!!  

Even if you guys don't feel all that interested to join while it's still new, I would highly suggest checking out all the work they've done so far!

Link to their Bulletin >Here<