Dragonracks's Bulletins

In pain u_u

Posted 3 hours, 9 minutes ago by Dragonracks

I got a shot day before yesterday I think? and I’ve had body aches and headaches since. My body still aches today @-@ I guess I was still sick or my body can’t even stand shots

I’ve been laying down a lot but today I may try to copy over some lore from notes. It’s a low effort thing I can do for today.

If anyone would like to link OCs, send a request!

EDIT: I’m also rearranging characters to categorize them by pitches/stories and species will be for tags. I’ll upload species guide later, either as a resource post or in the library.

characterhub seems interesting

Posted 3 days, 13 hours ago by Dragonracks

I honestly hate the layout but i love the character building features. It definitely won’t be a main platform for me until they fix their interface but it seems fun to mess around with. i made a profile:


EDIT: played around with it more. I really dislike the interface, so I’m going to take note of the cool profile features and keep using Story Wiki for profile building. It’ll be a very low secondary platform, at best buuut let’s still be moots on there!

EDIT 2: hold oooonnn im getting questions on my OCs???? i think i like that place even more…


Posted 1 month, 8 days ago by Dragonracks

Today is birthday WOOHOO. i was going to make a proper post later but for now i just want friendships and favorites on my main dragons

Ashuton https://toyhou.se/1458210.ashuton

His son Rin https://toyhou.se/1779056.rin-karrucci 

Rin’s son Alessio https://toyhou.se/25161136.alessio-karrucci

Alessio’s son Naitoti https://toyhou.se/11718386.naitoti

and if you want, read Ash’s story for free https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/48743/empire-of-space-dragons-ver-10 it’s currently being uploaded and is incomplete on there

Also, if you want, feel free to peruse the library. I may upload Ashuton’s story there too https://toyhou.se/Dragonracks/literatures

If you want to find my Elden Ring addiction, you can buy one of my digital prints but it’s not required https://ko-fi.com/wyrm

I want to thank all of you who sub to me, read my characters’ stories, and favorite them. I try to return the favor, despite my social anxiety, by subbing back! I will strive to be more active this year with commenting on bulletins and utilize the world feature for roleplays in my dragon world!

If I don’t respond immediately it is because I am getting a teeth cleaning. I am,, numb right now XDDDD

Hiii! The past few days have been rough for me, and the other night was especially rough @-@ I had to deal with moderator issues for my streamer. It was like my first trial by fire.

Anyways, I’ve been increasingly unable to write anything that isn’t a poem, but I can write lore and profiles just fine. For a book, that isn’t good, but I don’t care anymore. I want my dragon lore out there already and I’ll compile it all into a book later—no matter how unwanted it may be because of its format as a lore book.

I’ll be updating character profiles and the library section with this lore from my notes and the old books. I apologize for the spam to anyone not interested in my dragon lore XD

Also!! I want to use the world section more often. If you have any dragon OCs, feel free to add them into Draconizica! Here: https://toyhou.se/~world/41485.draconizica

Humans are also welcomed and furs are also welcomed!

I also have a discord server for OCs! Here: https://discord.gg/Y9yZuu2J Let me know who you are when you join!

Wellness check: Have you drank any water today? Eaten anything? Did all your chores? I hope you are all doing well!

dreamalgia holders being harassed?

Posted 1 month, 25 days ago by Dragonracks

I’ve been offline today due to being low energy @-@ more so than the day before.

I’ve got a question for dreamalgia design holders. Are some of you being harassed?? I’ve seen some chatter about this

I personally do not care if I am approached about one of her designs. I am surprised I have escaped any harassment, but maybe that is because I am not a keeper of her oldest designs

if you are someone who does care, I hope you receive a rest from all of the harassment. *hugs*

and while I got your attention, would any dreamalgia fans like to be mutuals?

and here is yesterdays poll about how I should use my kofi shop! Please answer https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1777049.ramblings-of-a-tired-dragon-artist

ramblings of a tired dragon artist

Posted 1 month, 27 days ago by Dragonracks

What should Kofi be used for?

0 Votes Single stories
0 Votes Collected volumes of stories
1 Votes Sharing stories exclusively in Kofi posts
0 Votes Wallpapers
0 Votes Other (please comment)

I have been using the bulletins a bit too much for my liking, but I wanted to mention a few things.

I’ve been sick, and it’s zapped all my energy. This means I am less social and more prone to anxiety @-@ normally I have low energy due to a health issue, but being sick has just… destroyed all my productivity

so once again I am forming a poll

what should I focus on with Kofi? 

I’d love to sell single stories, like how some writers and artists sell chapters, but I feel this will clutter my kofi shop and also be costly for the reader

I’d also love to sell collected volumes, but I never know how many stories to include. I would need help from people about what to decide

but! what I could do is post all 600,000 words from my first dragon storybook on the Kofi posts section and offer a $5 membership for it, but would people be willing to pay for that? It would also clutter the Kofi posts section 🤔

or I could just sell wallpapers of my art, perhaps people would be more willing to buy that? and just list collected volumes on Amazon or something.

I do not know what to do and would love to start monetizing my art because there’s things I want to buy but I cannot work a normal job for a number of reasons

also shout-out to my friend Pineapple for being the first person to buy a wallpaper from me! My path to Mesmer statue and buying designs I want is 1% complete

EDIT: kofi link her: https://ko-fi.com/wyrm/shop

and my OC server https://discord.gg/XW4zy8JH (please introduce yourself if you join)

Art wallpaper shop

Posted 1 month, 28 days ago by Dragonracks

The Elden ring DLC is coming soon and I’d love to save up for collectors edition (I want the messmer statue) + save money in general to buy designs i like in the future without any need for doing holds; so I decided to reopen my Kofi shop (it was never closed tbh)

people who buy my art will get access to my stories as well! I am slowly uploading 15 years worth of space dragon stories on there!

check here: https://ko-fi.com/wyrm/shop

EDIT: and my OC server https://discord.gg/XW4zy8JH (please introduce yourself if you join)


Closed species interest check

Posted 2 months, 6 days ago by Dragonracks

Would you adopt one?

0 Votes Yes
0 Votes Not really

If I made Draconizica into a closed species, with add on traits, would anyone be interested?

Egg prices would start at $5-$10

I’m looking for new ways to make money but won’t be too mentally taxing 😭

I am unable to go out and work, so art may be my only way

OC Discord!

Posted 2 months, 7 days ago by Dragonracks

I am revamping my discord and reviving its OC section! If you’d like to join and show off your OCs, join now! We love OCs here! There is also an OC research channel, for when you need help with your OC research or want to show off the cool research you’ve done!


EDIT: do let me know who you are when you join

RP Attempt

Posted 2 months, 13 days ago by Dragonracks

Would anyone like to rp with me on here? I would love to use the “reply as your character” feature more often. I want to try writing as Rin’s son, Alessio. He is my latest depressed dragonboy obsession.