DragonsAltarTales's Bulletins

Changing Names!

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by DragonsAltarTales

So I'm going to change my username here to the studio name for me and Usagi~

We're going to have all of our characters here together! So it'll be easier to go through and sort and...yeah! ^^

New name will be DragonsAltarTales! To everyone seeing this after the change, this is Cheru speaking xD

But hey, I've figured out gallery tabs! So multiple forms for characters will be easier to manage now~ That's exciting.

I'm working on updating my reference layout and I have a far clearer idea of where I want to go with characters and what's being shared currently. Glad I figured it out before Summer break. So excited to work on it more!! :D

Relisting Characters

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by DragonsAltarTales


Since everything but the Urroa OCs are just for fun and not super plot heavy and what not, I'm going to be doing simple references for them and going ahead and relisting their profiles as public. c: So soon my account here isn't going to be an empty ghost town anymore X'D

Sorry if anyone gets spammed when I relist them. I have NO idea if that pops up in your inbox or not.

I hope to start with bios and what not soon. I want to have things more organized and put together. I'm finally getting to a point where it all makes sense in my head. :P

So I have lots of plans for what to do with my characters and what's thrown out into the internet world. I'm going to have a lot more organization and posting more regularly. ^^

Characters in the Urroa universe are going to be revealed more slowly alongside stories written by my partner.

Pokemon gijinkas are going to posted as I finish them as their stories are less serious and more a side thing. I need to organize my other folders and figure out how I'm going to do the feral Pokemon, Flightrising, and "Other" profiles. :'D

I'm going to be working on 1 reference a week, however since quite a few aren't meant to be revealed right away, or belong to UsaBunn, there won't always be a post each week. UvU But I'm looking forward to being more proactive about making content! :D Especially with all my upcoming free time over summer break!