For Sale or Trade

Mainly looking for art or USD offers right now!

Please use tags to see which characters are okay to offer on and ask for pings. Refer to the key for tag meanings.


  • O = Okay to Offer
  • X = Do Not Offer
  • Pings: Okay = Okay to ask for ping
  • Pings: Nope = Do not ask for ping
  • ReturntoSender = Past owner gets priority
  • 18 = Has hidden art not suitable for Minors
  • Never = Will not be leaving ever

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If offering art, please make sure you can complete it within a month. I have had to many offers fall through or drag on in the past.

Check tags to see what I will look at for trades. Should be marked with sale, trade, or art.

Anthro X Pings Okay Pings Nope O Never Feral Sale Trade ReturntoSender 18 Art Pokemon anthro Closed Species Frigate Chasers Mothsprout Pingsokay x honeybeest