Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2 fandom!
All things zombie apocalypse!

This usually houses an AU where there are Mutated Carriers. This is a new type of unique infected class in which the virus meets with a person who has only half of the protective genome so they half turn. They always turn into a special infected, and are mostly sentient. They still retain their thoughts, emotions, empathy and other human things; however they do have a feral drive deep inside that tends to rear its face when in certain situations (for example, an emotional outburst or a dangerous situation). They can freely walk amongst both the uninfected and the infected with little risk. Most Mutated Carriers tend to lean more into one or the other when it comes to staying with the uninfected or in the outer world of infected. Of course there are risks with each one. With a group you run the risk of them turning on you due to an outburst; and when in the wild you may be struck down like any other fully infected.