
Unofficially known as 'Planet of Drakgoes' by the Drakgoes

Size comparison: 12 times the size of earth

Population(estimate): 70 billion

World Map

Main - Regions

TimeĀ Measurements

1 Hour = 40 minutes

1 Day = 45 hours

1 Tridum(Month) = 40 days

1 Year = 1209 days/30 Tridums

Geological and Ecological History

This planet is estimated to be seventy septillion years old, with the native aliens of Erumperra appearing two hundred quadrillions years ago.

Geologic Era 1 - Imparatus Era

The Imparatus era is equivalent to the Paleozoic era of earth but obviously longer, however, compared to the age of Erumperra, it was a pretty short era; only lasting for a few quadrillion years. There were a lot of underdeveloped organisms at that time period, the planet itself has small amounts of vegetation and almost no liquid or even ponds. The most common type of creature were small, herbivorous mammals that went in massive herds and flying, carnivorous reptiles that lived near the rocks that would soon become volcanos. There were also a lot of parasitic insects that were the food source for most of the animals, but usually only few actually survived eating them and have even evolved to solely consume the insects. The few aquatic animals of the Imparatus time were very small, basically microscopic, and had to dig their way to the dirt to travel. This era ended when the pressure underneath the planet got to the rocks and formed molten mountains. This was alongside a global cooling period where the whole of the planet was farther away from their sun for a long period of time, making a sort of mini ice age but without instead, there was moisture in the soil and ponds where slowly turning into oceans.

Geologic Era 2 - Augrusdia Era

The Augrusdia period was when there was more liquid and because of the volcanoes appearing, there were massive spits in the planet which were filled by water.

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