HighwayStories: 20YL

Skim though this random tab to get the basic idea of why this folder exist, if you can't be bothered to, that's alright I'll sum it up:

This here contains characters that appear 20 years later in the Highway Universe, they are usually the kids, partners or even future friends/companions of characters from the previous. Some of my characters either become better, worse or just don't change. I have ideas for stories for this one, however they won't be fully developed in a long time.

These profiles' time period are set anywhere after December 31st 2038. 

All the characters in here are private for now.

Redesigning Pokemon Tertiary Neutral good Secondary Highstreet Chaotic neutral True neutral Lawful neutral Feral Anthro Lawful good Chaotic good Glowsworth Species Monster Hunter Humanoid Primary Nowhere Multiplexia NeedsBetterLookingRef Redesigining Highlands Lawful evil Neutral evil EdgeofJapan Hybrid Flookaficies Chaotic evil ApexRider Mecha Choatic good Copper-Zoid Unknown Sona Cathoscope Chaotic EVERYTHING True Neutral Lord knows what the hell shes meant to be Sorta Mecha lol Commits treason on a regular basis My Singing Monsters Lumilantis Oh wait he also commits treason on a regular basis I think hes my sona