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My "Marshmallows" is what I call my collection of Boos and other enemies from the Mario Universe.
All of them have evolved around my own lore for these species and are only loosely based on the original characters anymore.
They are some of my dearest Ocs like Millow, William and Will.
Joining them are mainly a handful of other Mario species like Rose, my Wiggler girl, as well as my own and new versions of villains like Virgilo, a fictional Mario & Luigi Boss.

Pearl Mansion

The Pearl Mansion is a strip club/bar including escort services under the management of Caroline, a tycoon of the industry.
She mostly employs other Boos/Ghosts and Demons due to her good connections with both yet as long as you meet her quota, she is open to anyone wether it be to work or to visit and spend your money.
Any clients showing any form of indecency get escorted out of the establishment with a warning and if one continues to cause trouble they will be taken care of accordingly.

The Orphanage

The orphanage of Elise Tanner and her husband Spirit.
From within the Lady's Mansion they offer living spaces, school teaching rooms and a big garden connecting to the forest.
Most children are ghosts who have recently passed or generally non human in origin.


All the Ocs that work at the Division of Safety across all Species (DSS) operating under Mr. Russel
They range from humans to demons and everyone in between. No discrimination is allowed. Doing your job is the highest priority.

Barton Inc.

Barton Inc. is the name behind a big chain of research facilities under the management of Monty Barton, renowned scientist leading in android technology and artificial intelligence.
Their main goal is to research and build artificial intelligence in form of androids and general technology but over the years they also branched out into other fields like researching bio matter in form of non human species to understand them on a better level and possibly develop a way of how certain species could benefit all of intelligent life.

Of Angels, Demons and the Council

First there was The Council, higher beings known as deities, and shortly after, lower deity like beings now long forgotten to time, called The Ancients.
Only then did the creation of life truly begin with the Council creating beings in their image, the first of them being Demons and then Angels.
Both of them are ruled over by these deities responsible for the creation of every living thing. While there are differences between angels and demons, they mostly are from the same overarching species, inherently being of demonic origins as those are closest to the Council's being.


The title says it all. Sorry to disappoint.


The characters in here are a mix of several different species ocs.
They can range from vampires to witches or various other mythical creatures.
These characters could live in or near the woods. In a castle town, or even a big city. Fact is they are not human (anymore).


In here are all characters related to royalty.
These will vary from Kings & Queens, to Princes and Princesses but also the families of Lords and Ladies as well as their workers.


All anthro related Ocs.
Some have more animal related features and some less.


Characters of my old work in progress novel.
Most of them date back to around 2015 and were my first ever Ocs so they are still very dear to me ♥

Alternate Universes

I have too many AUs by now so they get their own folder.
Most of these center around my mains and literal alternate outcomes of a characters story.

Fan Characters

Characters for specific fandoms outside of Mario.


Sometimes it's gonna be adopts.
Sometimes a grab bag of designs.
We'll see.

Traum Realm

A guide to the home realm of my characters.
Most of my characters and lore are connected.

Mortal Realm taken Mushroom Kingdom mario oc ghost cannibal boo ghost oc Hell demon oc demon royals Evergreen Kingdom human human oc hellborn adopted minor Boo Royalty vampire