Darktide Woodland


∙ The world is full of peril and in it there are many dark places ∙

An eerie realm cloaked in perpetual twilight, cradles the enigmatic society of Noxiies within its ancient and towering trees. With a structured hierarchy defining their roles, this woodland hosts diverse inhabitants, from ethereal fauns and satyrs to the enigmatic elves. Yet, beyond the forest's borders, a fortified human outpost harbors antagonism toward the mystical beings, sparking tensions. Within its murky marshlands, subterranean glimmering caverns, and veiled falls, secrets and treacherous mysteries await exploration. Amidst this twilight realm, a dark fantasy tale of survival, magic, and timeless conflicts unfurls.

shippable closed species cs eagleoverlord fantasy single ambiverse noxiie ambi noxiies ambinetic human dnd taken alien demon in a relationship cyberpunk ambinetics Darktide Woodland