V.I.C.O. and control

V.I.C.O- Vicious, Intelligent, Control, Overload. They are built much MUCH  stronger than any AI. Many see them as gods, though they are not. When connected to a power source they are capable of starting giant disasters that seem like natural disasters. They are also known to be trigger violent when someone they care about, themselves, or what they protect is threatened or damaged. They don’t want to be, though. They are simply programed that way and actively fight it. They rule and control other AI.

Control - An AI with the ability to exude control over an aspect of other AI. Built to help VICO’s rule and control. They generally cannot disobey their V.I.C.O without consequence. There are 3 commands of power for controls, but none able to match up to a V.I.C.O. . They are still nothing to scoff at, as the highest command of Control can cripple a city. They often take up territories to watch over humans and animals.