EeveePotter's Bulletins

LMAO I'M BACK (mostly)

Posted 5 months, 4 days ago by EeveePotter

Hihi! I'm back I think??? Anyways sorry for my absence, I was (s^icide warning)

So basically I tried to kms and was sent to the hospital in a coma for a while, woke up and spent some time at the mental hospital (THEY LET ME WATCH BLUEY I LOVE THEM SO MUCH) and when I got home my mom took away all my electronics. If something doesn't get resolved via school counselors by Monday I'm going to be finally calling CPS and getting removed from my abusive home hopefully. 

I MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! <33333333333 

I won't be fully back (like on Discord or anything) for a while, but I might be available here somewhat so hooray :D


Posted 9 months, 25 days ago by EeveePotter


Do you ever get

Posted 11 months, 21 days ago by EeveePotter

Do you ever get that inexplicable urge to go to your friends profiles and tell them how awesome they are? IDK, I don't think I can resist much longer lol

I'm on team Vampires for Art Fight, and I had a massive sketching session yesterday where I drew 7 characters for 6 different people. I finished three yesterday, and left four for today.

The first one was going well, I was having fun and getting a lot of points for my team.

The second one, I finished a fully shaded piece and found out that it was friendly fire. When yesterday. I made sure. My recipients. Were on team Warewolves.

Yeah, yeah, it is what it is. 

So I move onto the next one and finish that one up, fully shaded fullbody, took me about an hour or two. I submit it. Again, the person who was one team Warewolves yesterday. Was on Vampires today. 12 point when I could've gotten 65.

I'm already fuming at this point, so I check with the third person before I even start digitalizing their piece and THEY WERE FUCKING VAMPIRES AS WELL

And now I'm pissed, I feel like a failure because I'm not getting as many points for my team as I wanted, I feel like my work is for nothing because you only get 25% of the actual points for friendly fire, and it's making me anxious because what if the next person I spend HOURS on changes to fucking vampires when I'm not looking



Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by EeveePotter

As the title says, I'm entertaining offers on everybody in my TH! Take a look around, find someone you like, comment here or on their profile with any kind of offer, I don't exclude!

I accept:

  1. Art of any kind (Provide examples please!)
  2. Character trades (All you have to say is 'Any one in my TH!'  if you want :D)
  3. Customs (Both on base and off)
  4. Writing
  5. Code (Sometimes)
  6. PayPal
  7. Cash App
  8. Ask about anything else!

I will be considering all offers. Thank you

Fun Poll because why not

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by EeveePotter

What is your 'I hate [Insert Fandom]'?

0 Votes Marvel 100%, SO boring
0 Votes Marvel, but only after Disney bought it
0 Votes DC yall, why do you even need to ask????
0 Votes Star Wars, it's literally just shooting guns in space
0 Votes Dr. Who, seriously, who is he????
0 Votes FNAF, horror? Like, SO over it
2 Votes J.K. Rowling, like, who does this bitch think she is?
0 Votes Harry Potter, He's just too much of a Mary Sue :/
0 Votes Percy Jackson, but mainly for the mythological inaccuracies
0 Votes Supernatural, OVER it
0 Votes Twilight, I prefer modern fanfic
0 Votes The Hunger Games, too forced
0 Votes My Hero Academia, like, come on, who even liked Deku?
1 Votes One Direction, Who even simps for a BAND that much?
0 Votes Naruto, I will admit the memes are pretty funny
0 Votes Pokemon, seriously, they're just weird animals
0 Votes Dream SMP, but even I will admit this is a work of art
0 Votes Other (Comment if you feel comfortable)
3 Votes I hate them all
2 Votes I don't really have a preference/I don't really hate any

NOTE: No shame to anyone who likes these fandoms, your opinion is valid. I don't particularly have a dislike towards ANY of them, I just didn't want to have boring answers so I added a bit of sass  *Sunglasses Emoji*

Sh!tpost Status

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by EeveePotter

They said it was seasonal but I don't think it is

Anywayyyyyyyy, how're yall?

Bro,,,, /notimp

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by EeveePotter

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

3 Votes NANI?!?!?!?!

Wouldn't the biggest prank of all be making everyone think April Fools Day is the first when it's actually the second?


Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by EeveePotter

We're nOwO strangers tOwO lOwOve

YOwOUwU knOwOw the rUwUles and sOwO dOwO I (dOwO I)

A fUwUll cOwOmmitment's what I'm thinking OwOf

YOwOUwU wOwOUwUldn't get this frOwOm any OwOther gUwUy

I jUwUst wanna tell yOwOUwU hOwOw I'm feeling

GOwOtta make yOwOUwU UwUnderstand

Never gOwOnna give yOwOUwU UwUp

Never gOwOnna let yOwOUwU dOwOwn

Never gOwOnna rUwUn arOwOUwUnd and desert yOwOUwU

Never gOwOnna make yOwOUwU cry

Never gOwOnna say gOwOOwOdbye

Never gOwOnna tell a lie and hUwUrt yOwOUwU

We've knOwOwn each OwOther fOwOr sOwO lOwOng

YOwOUwUr heart's been aching, bUwUt yOwOUwU're tOwOOwO shy tOwO say it (say it)

Inside, we bOwOth knOwOw what's been gOwOing OwOn (gOwOing OwOn)

We knOwOw the game and we're gOwOnna play it

And if yOwOUwU ask me hOwOw I'm feeling

DOwOn't tell me yOwOUwU're tOwOOwO blind tOwO see

Never gOwOnna give yOwOUwU UwUp

Never gOwOnna let yOwOUwU dOwOwn

Never gOwOnna rUwUn arOwOUwUnd and desert yOwOUwU

Never gOwOnna make yOwOUwU cry

Never gOwOnna say gOwOOwOdbye

Never gOwOnna tell a lie and hUwUrt yOwOUwU

Never gOwOnna give yOwOUwU UwUp

Never gOwOnna let yOwOUwU dOwOwn

Never gOwOnna rUwUn arOwOUwUnd and desert yOwOUwU

Never gOwOnna make yOwOUwU cry

Never gOwOnna say gOwOOwOdbye

Never gOwOnna tell a lie and hUwUrt yOwOUwU

We've knOwOwn each OwOther fOwOr sOwO lOwOng

YOwOUwUr heart's been aching, bUwUt yOwOUwU're tOwOOwO shy tOwO say it (tOwO say it)

Inside, we bOwOth knOwOw what's been gOwOing OwOn (gOwOing OwOn)

We knOwOw the game and we're gOwOnna play it

I jUwUst wanna tell yOwOUwU hOwOw I'm feeling

GOwOtta make yOwOUwU UwUnderstand

Never gOwOnna give yOwOUwU UwUp

Never gOwOnna let yOwOUwU dOwOwn

Never gOwOnna rUwUn arOwOUwUnd and desert yOwOUwU

Never gOwOnna make yOwOUwU cry

Never gOwOnna say gOwOOwOdbye

Never gOwOnna tell a lie and hUwUrt yOwOUwU

Never gOwOnna give yOwOUwU UwUp

Never gOwOnna let yOwOUwU dOwOwn

Never gOwOnna rUwUn arOwOUwUnd and desert yOwOUwU

Never gOwOnna make yOwOUwU cry

Never gOwOnna say gOwOOwOdbye

Never gOwOnna tell a lie and hUwUrt yOwOUwU

Never gOwOnna give yOwOUwU UwUp

Never gOwOnna let yOwOUwU dOwOwn

Never gOwOnna rUwUn arOwOUwUnd and desert yOwOUwU

Never gOwOnna make yOwOUwU cry

Never gOwOnna say gOwOOwOdbye

Never gOwOnna tell a lie and hUwUrt yOwOUwU

To all of my Trans Peeps: