Elavius's Profile Comments

Thank you for the fav in Wisteria! I see we have similar tastes 💖

Aaa she's so pretty I can't help ;;;w;;;;

Haha thank you 💖 you have a lot of pretty characters too!

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Aaaa thank you for the comment...! I will bear that in mind and wait for when I'm less busy!

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OUH i just wanted to stop by and say ur art is gorgeous ,, i was surprised when u faved my character (and for the sub back :O!!) i hope ur having a wonderful day ..\(^^)/!

Aaaa thank you sooo much you made my day ;;;w;;;; I love that character and your art style ;;;w;;;;

oh my goodness thank you for subscribing to me ! i'm absolutely honoured (♡´͈༝`͈)ฅ˒˒ i see you study theoretical physics ! (⁎⁍̴̀﹃ ⁍̴́⁎)♡ gotta love physics !!

aaaaaaa thank you so much I really love your art style aaaa ;;;;w;;; especially the soft colouring and the way you draw faces... Also glad to find someone who loves physics too ;;;w;;; I personally have enjoyed studying astro related courses (and the nice pictures!) but found it a little too hard at some point aaa ;;;;w;;;;

uwahhh (*/▽\*) you're ever so kind ! i'm most honoured !!! ;;;w;;; your art style is absolutely brilliant and so wonderful !!! i love so much about it yes ! i love physics so much q v q i'm still kind of a newbie to the whole field, but i'm trying my best ! fighting (ง •̀_•́)ง good luck with your PhD !! you got this i follow you on instagram too uwahhh, i wish to send my support !!! q v q

Ooooo all of your characters are gorgeous!! And yess white hair!! ♥

Aaaaa thank you so much ;;;;;;A;;;;;;;

White hair ftw! *o*

Can never have enough of those! ( ´ρ`)

True that and I realized I have hardly any of them Σ(゜ロ゜;) must remedy this.

aaaa thanks for the sub!! (sneaky sub back because your art is gorgeous ; ω ; )

Thank uuuuuu <3

Heyyy! Thank you for the sub! Subbed back <3

thank you for the sub ; w ;


aaaAaaaAAaa thank you!!!! ;;w;;
