ElbowStuff's Bulletins


Posted 4 months, 24 days ago by ElbowStuff


does toyhouse have an algorithm idk

anyways fave my ocs please :333

Characters UFO/UFS (mine + friend)

Posted 4 months, 27 days ago by ElbowStuff

Looking to get rid of these guys! Will take the price stated (paypal/kofi) but will consider art offers


My best friend also has some characters for sale including some Mirandamations swaps so check em out!



1. Choose up to 3 characters

2. Make them answer the following questions.

Characters: Flint, Nate, Maze

1.How old are you? 

(Around the time of Pilot)

Flint: 23! I know right, I'm getting old.

Nate: I'm 25, but it feels like I've been an adult forever now.

Maze: I'm 28! Gee, they should really hire some older people round here.

2. whats ur height?

Flint: Shorter than Captain Coolness, but I don't mind.

Nate: Around 5'9? I think? I don't really check that stuff much.

Maze: Good ol' 5'5. Hasn't failed me yet.

4. r u virgin?

Flint: No, actually. Not my proudest moment though.

Nate: Nah, I've had girlfriends before. Don't have time for that now.

Maze: What's it to ya, bub? 

5. whos ur sprose?

Flint: Nobody, but it is a life goal. Villains can have non-evil life goals.

Nate: Sprose? Does the person asking this have spell check on?

Maze: I'm engaged to my wonderful unnamed girlfriend!

6. whats ur favoutire flavour of ice cream?

Flint: Oh my gosh, ice cream is my favourite. I could go for any flavour. I'll say Neapolitan.

Nate: A classic 99 with flake.

Maze: Mangoooooo

7. have u ever killed anyone?

Flint: Getting to the deep questions now. I have not, but I have endangered lives.

Nate: It would be pretty bad if a superhero killed people. That's a no, by the way.

Maze: Nah, but I do like to taze people.

8. Do u hate anyone?

Flint: Not really. I think a villain can be a villain without hatred. I just feel let down.

Nate: Hmm. Hate is a strong word. I'll get back to you.

Maze: Jaywalkers.

9. do u love anyone?

Flint: ...I'm in too deep.

Nate: ...My family.

Maze: My hot girlfriend. And the law.

10. wats ur job?

Flint: Resident supervillain slash inventor. I mean, I don't really get paid, but I do get money from it so it's basically a job.

Nate: Local superhero. I'm surprised you don't know already.

Maze: Police officer. You can call me names if you want, I don't mind.

11. boy or girl

Flint: I mean I'm a guy. And I'm attracted to only guys. Sorry, ladies.

Nate: I'm a man. I don't know if gender is a deciding factor of who I'm attracted to, I just like who I like.

Maze: I don't have one of those gender things. And I'm happy with my girlfriend, thank you very much.

12. Whut do u do to relax?

Flint: Invent. Draw blueprints. Play video-games.

Nate: I don't really know, watch TV? I read books sometimes too.

Maze: Hang out with my dog, Sparky!

13. what do u think whould descibe urself?

Flint: I'm a genius, of course. Also: charming. Sharp-minded. Energized.

Nate: Easygoing..? Also helpful. I do help a lot. I'm probably a bit of a pushover.

Maze: Really cool and awesome and chill and smooth and witty.

14. any hidden talents?

Flint: Being quiet. I'm actually quite good at that, I just never show it.

Nate: I used to play guitar a little. I haven't for a while though.

Maze: I'm surprisingly good with a bow and arrow, which is handy for situations.

15. whut do u thnik of ur creator?

Flint: What, like my parents? I... don't really talk to them. They're fine. I dunno,

Nate: I mean, I'm adopted so I never knew my direct creators. I love my parents who raised me though, they're wonderful people.

Maze: My dad is great, he works for the fire brigade. We have a tally to see who gets the most phone calls a week.

16. what colour is ur hair(?

Flint: Blonde!

Nate: A dark blue, and yes, it is natural.

Maze: Uh, it's like a pinky-red? I think it's awesome.

Thanks for reading!!


Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by ElbowStuff


i do commissions they start at £10 go look

thank you