Pokemon shelter

This has been created to keep Pokemon (regular or hybrid*) that had been released or abandoned by their trainer, whatever the reason is, be it because it wasn't strong enough for battling, or not cute enough for contest or because the trainer feel it has no use anymore. 

Please keep in mind that some Pokemon aren't made for either Battling nor Beauty Contest. Some are simply pets who wants to be loved for who they are. Other have been trained for specific use (like firefighting, guide Pokemon, service Pokemon, etc).

Also consider the Pokemon history, especially considering former battler who may not be in shape for more battle, and also their age. While this aspect is tricky, some Pokemon are too old to fight and would rather live the rest of their life in a quiet environment. Lastly, some Pokemon may be wary of human after having been abandoned.

Every Pokemon here will be up for adoption, for a small fee.

*Hybrid are Pokemon whose parents are from two different species, thus they have an original appearance and can take abilities and moves from both their parents.