Entrancelinged's Bulletins

March Madness MYO Event

Posted 3 months, 19 days ago by Entrancelinged


It has been quite some time since our last MYO event and we're very excited to announce our event spanning the entirety of March!
We are implementing the allowance of Trancelings to be any species of animal you want! With the requirement they still have a mask and charms.
But this opens a world of possibilities for everyone and to celebrate it we are giving away MYO slots all month long to allow people the chance to make their own!

These MYO slots do not have a deadline and can be made at any time
You must join our Discord as design approvals are done through it
Make a bulletin or post about the event and link it below
There is only one slot claim available per user
The slots allow use up to Rare
Tagging a friend can earn you a Celestial, Exclusive, or Mutation trait of your choice

A new temporary traits list is provided below, feel free to ask us on anything you're unsure about
