Epsoyln's Bulletins


Posted 4 months, 7 days ago by Epsoyln

Pre-note: To those that I owe art to, I will attempt to contact you with a proper apology once I'm done with the artworks. This bulletin is just a general overview.

I truly apologize to those (all 2 of you) who were affected by my lack of response and activity in this site. It was completely my fault from the start for letting myself join in for a trade, making others to wait for my parts of trade. I should not have taken them when I know I was not in good shape.

Since several months ago, most of the strokes I made on the canvas comes with intrusive thoughts that would make me ruminate whether I made a horrible decision or act that can cause the harm of my/others' wellbeing.

I could stand still and ignore compulsions and thoughts of topics regarding those that can still be observed through the five-senses. However, in this case, it felt close to scrupulosity. The thoughts of evil beings kept popping into my head. They linger in my mind. It threatened me with a lot of awful things. I was hyper-conscious about the smallest details and avoided doing or having contacts on certain things that can be considered "harmful" in my conscience.

I could barely do anything that I used to love with love, overtime. Yes, I attempted and managed to make a handful of images, but I struggled for the most part and did not quite enjoy making them.

I always contemplate whether those "voices" are just thoughts that flies into my head, or something more sinister. The activities of spirits are not something you can see with your own naked eye, therefore it was hard to differentiate.

However, I have come to rationalize that this was a trap that would make me question one's salvation and such (sorry, this got somewhat religious). The voices still bothers me up to this day, but the intensity is now milder than previously.

Still, I am aware all of these external factors does not make up and justify my actions, for I should have known that I should not take any trades for the moment, and yet I still did. Because of my recklessness, I have caused a lot of troubles to others by putting myself in a situation that I promised to handle, and yet could not.

Thank you for sticking around and being very patient with me. Until the time I fully recover, I will not take any kinds of trades nor commissions. Thank you.

PS: I could draw again since 11 of May. There were ups and downs, but I am gradually getting better. I am currently continuing on the artworks that I owe.

My characters like koulka and ashton disappears, I cannot find them in my gallery. Was I hacked or something? I bought them both for $40 in total which is a big sum of money for me and a big chunk of effort into earning them. Some traded character that I treasure are gone too. And most heartbreakingly, Orwien and Supervisor are GONE. I put love and efforts in their story. I put love in their profile. I love their designs and stories I made dearly. Can anyone please help me? Thank you.

Trading Arts for a Game, Anyone?

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Epsoyln

Currently, I'd love to get A Space for the Unbound game (Deluxe Edition- approx. $40 in total in the spring sale (if I'm not mistaken), cause I'm a sucker for art books and sometimes OST too), but I have to raise the money on my own. I can't use my PayPal on Steam since it's not supported on my country, plus I don't have any kind of credit/debit card, so I was wondering whether someone would be interested in my digital paintings (up to around 3 pcs) for the game bundle. If you think this isn't fair, feel free to throw me some suggestions or constructive criticism! Thank you <3

Hello, does anybody know the whereabouts of Cheshei from devianART?

I owed her some icons for a character that I needed for one of my stories, back then. Sadly, in the middle of the pending period/process, she got deactivated, and thus I became unmotivated, my bad. However, some time ago, I finished the owed icons fully, but I have no idea where and how I can contact her for a confirmation of the trade.

If you happen to know her, could you please share which platform she is now on, or maybe a contact of her, please? I need the character real bad, haha. Every info and share would be highly appreciated! <3

Thank you.

Just to give out a hint, here is the character I was about to get after the art (icons) payment:


Asking About Adoptable Worth

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Epsoyln

Anyone have a standard of design price? What is considered and what makes a design in Medium Quality, or High Quality in your opinion, regarding the decision of pricing the characters in an adopt? I'm in need of ground opinions from you guys. I'm planning to make a one-off design for $30, as I am in need of that amount of money in one transaction (long story). I need the opinions and standards to make sure I don't overprice or underprice it. Thank you. :)


Posted 7 years, 5 months ago by Epsoyln

I'm still working on my Toyhou.se . It's still a mess :/

Feel free to ask anything or just to say hello! Every single comments and feedback is greatly appreciated!