Eraili's Profile Comments


Hi Eraili! I love your character *0*

Thank you :D

Our loopies can be friends?

awh yes :D That would be awesome <3


Loopies boyfriends

What pretty babies you have! ;n;

But your Babies are so pretty too omg *-* Especially Alec Fleur and Somer <3 (I always think that Somer sounds a bit like "Sommer", which is german and means summer xD <3)

Thank you so much! ;n; Yep, yep! I named her based off of her design of a summer sunset and prefer the spelling and sound of 'Somer' over 'Summer'. I'm SUPER picky with names, like I literally have a private list of my favorites with the meaning and origin. Each name is given based on the individual design and personality I envision for them. :)