
grittier fantasy world, roamed by predator witches

note!! any sort of fantasy environment/setting will work! these four characters are on the run and just sorta roam around a fantasy continent so they could be in the forest, a city, a small town, a farm whatever! the fantasy continent is split into 4 large territories designated by their placement on a map aka northern territories, western territories etc etc. their real-world parallels - southern territories = middle-east/south asia,, northern territories = north europe/russia,, eastern territories = east/south east asia,, western territories = mediterranean/north+ central Africa. each of the territories are vast and include many smaller nations within.

so you could incorporate influences from any of these areas/cultures into the setting and it would still be plausible!

on a similar vein, i'm not picky about sticking to the character references! just keep their skintone/eyes/hair the same and make sure any different outfits give off a similar vibe.