Esmont's Bulletins

OCs Up for Trade!

Posted 2 months, 9 days ago by Esmont

Hi all!

Looking to trade the folks in this folder!

And more tentatively the characters in my Unsorted:

 - Humanoid OCs, preferably Male or Nonbinary!
- Smol soft fluffy feral designs, or cute smol monster designs!
- Art of any kind!!
- USD, just offer!
- CS (Novatts, Griffians, Midveilers, Celestial Seas, etc, just offer!)

Mostly I'm just wanting to clear out my TH a bit and get these guys to new homes who'll love them more than me!
So I'm R E A L L Y not picky >u<
Happy to trade multiple OCs at a time!

Please comment offers down below, or feel free to DM me!
(DON'T comment on the characters themselves, ty >u<)