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Charles and Jessica are two best friends attending the prestigious seconary school, Callagaia. However, things may take a turn for the worse when they discover the morally dubious headmaster is, in fact, morally dubious.

stickmen school slice of life?

Dungeons and Dragons

Yes hello I am one of those nerds who play DnD. Here you'll find a bunch of my PCs and NPCs (I play and DM). Fun fact: my current character is Wulfric.


A collection of free HTML profiles for your characters!


Sword in the Stone

A collection of three fantasy stories set in the same world. Clay has discovered his magic powers, Virgil is trying to escape an evil fate and Eris is attempting to lead a team of adventurers.

fantasy adventure


Anything else that isn't a part of the other folders.

html f2u profile character male he him non-binary code stickman they them human dnd character profile female she her protagonist npc fighter he they shorali