Highlands Academy

Highlands Academy

Highlands Academy is a highly respected private boarding school, being one of the best and oldest running schools in the city. In recent years, it’s been more commonly known for its theatrical performances hosted at their own theater. Most outsiders associated the school with classical subjects and elaborate performances. Students of rival schools tend to either praise and dream of attending Highlands Academy, or believe that the school is pretentious and over rated (after all, how good can the school’s education be if it’s mostly known for theater).

From a distance, it could be mistaken as a castle due to its size and old architecture style. It stands tall with pointed roofs. Tall windows line up neatly against the pale walls. There are many pathways and shortcuts throughout the school grounds, but some paths are rarely used as most students don’t realize they’re allowed to use said alternative path. Bushes and trees litter throughout the campus.



Unlike most of the school aesthetics, the dormitory is more reminiscent of a large cottage house rather than a castle. It has a cozy and homely atmosphere. More often than not, students will have to share their rooms with at least one other student.


Garden and Greenhouse

It’s not clear what the actual size of the garden is. There’s a greenhouse the size of a classroom at, what most students assume to be, the center of the garden. Despite the amount of different types of plants grown around the area, it doesn’t feel crowded since all the plants are neatly trimmed (it’s also to avoid stray branches from poking anyone).



The library is a tall room with two floors with large windows throughout the room allowing for warm natural lighting. It holds a wide variety of items, including books, old prints, cassettes, and videotapes. No matter the time, there’s always the distant sounds of the clock ticking and rustling of papers.



A popular location due to its mystical appearance. The observatory is large and decorated with blue skies and golden stars. Telescopes and other unexplainable contraptions litter the area. Unfortunately, the only chances most students get to go there is if they're taking the astronomy class, going on a field trip around the school campus, or during special space related events.


Grand Theater

The theater is one of the star attractions of the school, hosting both performances of mainstream and original stories. The theater is one of the main driving forces bringing the school community together. The theater has been mentioned multiple times in the newspapers and many students/school staff had their performance/writing career started here.

Code by Aurorean