Mainspell Town

Mainspell Town

Mainspell Town is a small but lively community town. It’s largely unknown, so much so that it’s not on most maps. Most found their way to Mainspell accidentally, but there are a few who went out of their way to get there. Those who intentionally come to Mainspell either come for their sanctuary or because it is a quiet location, perfect for a quiet retreat.

Mainspell has a bright and welcoming atmosphere. The air was filled with the smell of freshly made goods and the sounds of joyful conversations. Their dirt paths are sometimes decorated with different shaped stepping stones. The stones were carved/painted to depict certain plants/animals or have colorful pebbles/glass embedded into them. Almost everything is within walking distance and there were plenty of trees and benches to rest at. At night, the town mainly relies on the night sky and small lanterns to illuminate the roads. Some paths have small glow in the dark plants lining them, making the path look like it’s surrounded by tiny stars.

Mainspell was originally supposed to be an important hub town, but was quickly abandoned for a different location. Fortunately, the few passionate people already living there didn't want to leave and so continued the town’s development. Though they’re not popular and their growth is slow, they’re happy to call Mainspell their home.



One of the most recognizable (and loudest) landmarks in town. A rectangular tower decorated with intricate patterns and with a huge clock face on all four sides. Depending on the time of day, it chimes a different tune and different little automaton figures pop out.


Community Farm/Garden

The town dedicates a rather large space for the community garden. The plants grown here fall into at least one of the 3 categories: Common plants that the whole town uses/need, easy plants for kids to learn to grow, or rare/difficult plants for the community to work together to look after. This structure is one of the oldest in town, as it was originally established as a temporary farm when the town was beginning to be built.


Forge of Gold

A forge owned by the Goldwin family.


The Sanctuary

One of the few things those outside of town know about them is their sanctuary. They say that the sanctuary is able to “turn the insane back to sane” (the townsfolk don't think of it like that, but for fun they just roll with the assumption). Their goal is to provide a safe place to stay for anyone who needs it. They encourage healing through natural methods, like spending time in nature and socalizing.


Open Book Emporium

One of the most important places in the town as it’s the main hub for everything literature/educational/business related. While they do mainly sell/lend out books and offer a quiet atmosphere for study, they also offer other services like getting in touch with certain scholars or other creatives.

Code by Aurorean