Slither 🥞


There will be a plot synopsis here soon, but until then... I want you to know that Slither represented a long and prestigious line of "maggot-based romances" I "wrote" in middle school. This was during the Twilight boom that produced 8 gajillion supernatural romances, and I was SO angry that out of all of them, none of them featured a genuinely ugly beast of a love interest, and none of them catered to me (lover of ugly beasts.) Okay. Now we both have to live with that knowledge.

Synopsis: WIP.


  • Maggot Boy: Mabel and Dustin aren't 'on sight' because she actually accepted therapy, and so Mabes just lets Dustin chill and is kind to him, if a bit standoffish, until he realizes she can see through his disguises, and he catches feelings.

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