Zaria and Nimis 🍊

Zaria and Nimis

Synopsis: What do an angel and a demon have in common? Nothing! Except… a lease. Zaria, enforcer of the will of angels, has found herself stuck with the demon Nimis, who she made the mistake of sparing the life of.

Dimension: 882


  • Alter - Garrett and Nimis are actually headmates and alternate, complicating the story further.
  • Humility - Instead of Nimis, Zaria falls for a female Pride, and tries to save her. Though at first resistant, the Pride is moved by Zaria's devotion and tenderness, and lets down her walls.
  • Fallen - Zaria and Nimis roleswap. Garrett is an Angel Officer, virtue of humility and patience, and Zaria is possessed by a stubborn pride/wrath demon.

Established: ???

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