The Curse 😿

The Curse

Plot Synopsis: WIP

Date Established: ???


  • Lifted - Instead of suffering indefinitely, Jordan's path is derailed just before his sophomore year of high school. When separated from his gang, running from trouble he caused, he sprints through Kit's neighborhood, and stops to catch his breath there. Concerned, Kit, who was out on her porch, invites him in, and helps him gather himself. Jordan finds a friend in her, and begins spending all of his spare time with her and her family, as opposed to running amok. Her parents even take him in, and in time, Jordan begins to heal. Listen I just feel terrible inventing a childcare who HAS to suffer, so he gets at least one happy AU in which he has friends and is adopted by a family who gives a shit. Look at him. He's a wet rat. Let him inside.

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