Neighborhood 616 🚧

Neighborhood 616 🚧

Neighborhood 616

Plot Synopsis: Following an irresponsible disposal of hazardous waste in the Midwest, humanity has found itself quite literally divided, with half of the population susceptible to dramatic mutations, and the other half mostly unscathed. With the rapid disintegration of society, fueled by paranoia and the fear of contagions, the mutants have been pushed into isolated housing districts made in the skeletal remains of failed suburbanite developments from the 50’s, promised some level of protection, and regular deliveries of supplies, but that quickly proved to be not true, as contact was immediately limited.

At first believing to have been abandoned, it seems something much more sinister is afoot as it becomes more and more clear that what’s left of humanity is disappearing, without a trace.

Date Established: ???

Home Dimension: 9314

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