Exorcising Jeffrey🍦

Exorcising Jeffrey🍦

The Failed Exorcism of Jeffrey Donahue

Plot Synopsis: Diana Candle is a ghost hunter. Gifted with the rare ability to reach through astral planes, she is able to exterminate ghosts by simply beating them up. Tasked with eliminating the murderous spirit of Jeffrey Donahue, who preys on students of the high school he haunts, both she and the killer quickly realize they've bitten off more than they can chew.

Dimension: 669


  • Tombmates - "Oh my god they were tombmates..." It's unclear what the nature of Diana and Jeffrey's contentious relationship is once he's forced into her custody, but this AU decides to take it in a romantic direction. Because I suck.
  • ??? - INEXPLICABLE AU in which Diana goes to high school with Jeffrey, pre-The Fuckening.
  • ??? - AU in which The Fuckening doesn't happen, and Jeffrey is an emotionally repressed 30-something-year-old, who is forced to help Diana with a task that is less important to me than the tender, fumbling hilarity of this dynamic.

Established: ???

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