Faunicorn's Bulletins

Thank you

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by Faunicorn

So many people came forward in comments, dms and PMS, on discord that it was overwhelming. You guys made sure I laughed and smiled and made sure I had something to talk about and I'mso thankful. I'll keep everyone up to date on my recovery as time progresses and I'm trying to give myself future things to look forward to like doing guest adopt batches for two awesome species and working on my own things. I really appreciate it. I hope this feeling lasts, I really do. For the first time in a few weeks I'm actually kinda excited for tomorrow to come

Please be patient with me

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by Faunicorn

IF you are waiting for a reply or feedback on art for a trade or commission please; I am going to a crisis center this week because I've been suicidal (I even called the suicide hotline and it didn't help for more than a day) to the point where I was barely physically stopping myself from doing something I couldn't come back from. 

this weekend I was also unfortunately sexually assaulted by someone who I thought was a dear friend so I am getting help for that as well.

I hate being open these days about my business but there is solidarity in knowing you're not alone in things so please speak out and get help. You're not alone and you shouldn't feel alone. I reached out to the person who loved me most and finally told them I can't do this I need help and he and I are working on getting me better and maybe get me on different meds. 

This week is going to be a slow and painful week for a multitude of other reasons but those are the biggest two I just wanted to speak out about. Please always feel free to pm me if any of you need an ear. I may not always be able to help but I will always listen.

Opened a design board

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by Faunicorn


just in case anyone was interested!

please give me a day to reply back to messages im still recovering from being ill over the weekend

For sale!

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by Faunicorn

Long time no post! Kinda doing a post and run this morning if you will but I'm working on a personal project and this was one of the rejected designs I ended up liking quite a bit and decided not to use!


Selling this kid for $20! Unwatermarked file given upon purchase!


Just don't resell for higher without additive art and give proper credit otherwise go nuts! Edit the design and official artwork, give them a name or backstory or don't they're yours to do with as you please!

Base is by @ToxicPinku 

Have Dainty slot, now looking for art!

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago by Faunicorn

for those of you who don't frequent the forums, just wanted to give you a chance since I'm closing this tomorrow morning https://toyhou.se/~forums/13.adoption-center/68162.w-art-h-dainty-slot-also-glider-efuru-more-?page=0

Trading dainty slots!

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago by Faunicorn

Due to personal reasons I've decided this species is not for me ): And would rather just stick to my unicorns and deer children as they are. 

So! I have 2 of them and I'm looking to trade! 

Interested in other myo species slots OR designs with my usual taste in aesthetics: 

NO FANTASY OR DESERT DESIGNS I can't work with them

from hinatot

Proof 2:
from SkylarkKai

CS Question!

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by Faunicorn

Embellishments should be

4 Votes free to add to silkies!
12 Votes rewards for those who participate in prompts!
1 Votes paid upgrade! (event?)

So I have a new cs I'm (hoprefully) releasing this week and I have been on the fence about a certain element!
The species is called Silkies!
and their information can be found here:
(shameless plug)

I've not really been one to like cosmetic/stylistic traits on a species to be considered a rarity. It has always felt limiting and greedy in a way because they tend to be elements people often love!
(star eyes, sparkles, colour ranges, ect)

In the "Traits" section there is a tab called general traits and at the bottom there is "Fur attributes"

0a0f306444248f6aaf25dc75e68b9fd7.pngI was originally going to allow anyone to have them because whatever individualize your silkie, but I've been thinking since I've been wanting to make this a species that also can be a fun community, if they were to be small purchases for your silkie for doing prompts! Like... rewards for active members. They wouldn't be anything crazy, (I'll probably speak to some other creators and get an idea) but I thought it'd be a nice little reward for people who participated

There'd only be one per silkie (I'm worried about design over cluttering LOL)the other idea was to pay to allow people to add traits but personally seems kinda greedy for nothing LMFAO
people can still have sparkles and shiney highlights and stuff, I just mean for these embellishments to go to the next EXTREME essentially

I'm really trying to keep this a nice species with a decent amount of checks and balances so I'd love feedback!

Hiatus (brief)

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by Faunicorn

Got all my wisdom teeth taken out and am just fucking angry at the world. 

When I'm in pain I tend to lash out. My doctor has told me my nervous system is more acute and reactive than average so pain/pleasure for me tend to lean towards more extremes. And right now all I want to do is swallow all my hydrocodone and die until my mouth feels better

I want to chat to people but everything makes me see red and I literally could tell everyone fuck off right now. But that's not appropriate nor acceptable so I'm going to just hole up. 

It wouldnt be so bad if my parents weren't being helicopter parents and trying to force me to spend five days with them watching me when I can only stand to be around them a few hours at a time. I dont think they realize I have my own fucking life and that I'm 27 and have my own shit to fucking deal with so. 

They also keep my pills on them and monitor me taking them because they dont think I know how to fucking read goddamn prescription labels and my dad bitched me out for taking a fucking XANAX before I went to the dentists where I cried and whimpered and shook like a leaf the entire time I was in the chair even with it.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk all I want to do is scream fuck 


go here! Also the BabyDoll (babydoii) account is my side account for cs things so follow that account if you're more intersted in closed species!