


│Clan theme

valley frogs birds herbs berries landslides foxes

Bountiful Land, Generous Hearts

In a mountain valley beneath Frostclan live the fluffy cats of StormClan. StormClan cats have generous dispositions and the medicine cats who reside there often gift or trade herbs and berries with other clans because they have so much to spare.

Appearance Description

Body Build

Well fed and sturdy
Fur type

Medium length, fluffy, variety of colors but most often grey


Strength, Generosity, Kindness


Landslides, Foxes, Toxic Plants.


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StormClan territory is between EchoClan and the FrostClan mountains. They have a relatively short path to the Great Gathering Stone after crossing a rier and some rubble. They are closest the Moon Field and from the edge of their territory can see the glowing stones spread across it like stars in the dark.


The StormClan leader addresses the clan from on top of a very large rock, beside which their den is located. The medicine den is inside a giant cracked tree stump.


The elders, warriors, and Apprentices dens are all underneath low, leafy bushes with drooping branches. The nursery is in a similar situation but reinforced with brambles on the outside.


Apprentices train in a large flowery clearing with soft grass.


The lush valley is given mixed hours of sunlight and shade as the sun hits new angles on the mountain above them. A river flows nearby and brings cool, clean water. Herbs grow in abundance and prey is plentiful.


They eat mostly frogs, fish, mice, and birds.


Some challenges that come with the territory are floods and landslides from the nearby mountains, and they are always on the lookout for bears or foxes.


Four littermates were born in a crumbling overgrown twoleg nest during dreadful weather. Their names were Storm, Echo, Storm, and Frost. The four grew up together hearing stories from Heart, their mother, about the strong clans that used to be around. The world was full of them, once. They had been forced to split up into smaller and smaller groups as territories turned to twoleg places. After a series of large disasters, there was now less of the twolegs wandering into nature and tearing up forests. It was time for cats to band together and provide safety and family like they used to. Such arrangements were needed now more than ever in the wake of such tumultous events.

When their mother passed, Storm, Echo, Storm, and Frost decided to make her dreams reality and form a clan. In the traditional style of clan cats, they added second names to their own, each taking the suffix "Heart" After their mother.

Stormheart was a strong and sturdy tom who protected his littermates from wild cats, dogs, and other such dangers as they traveled and found more cats together. HeartClan was doing well, but they were beginning to get tired of travel and some of the cats wished for a place to settle and rest permanently. Stormheart was heavily injured and in need of recovery as well.

Echoheart and a handful of others decided to end their journey in the rock-laden field that today makes up EchoClan territory. The rest of the HeartClan, led by Brightheart, regretfully said their farewells and agreed to find their own territories in the area, not wanting to live in the dark caves. Before they left, Echoheart proposed that the siblings arrange to meet up every full moon at an especially large boulder, so they could catch up on news and see how each group was doing. The rest eagerly agreed, and that was the beginning of the regular clan gatherings, the number of cats attending increasing each year from just the siblings, to them and their families, to a large portion of each clan wanting to socialize with the others.

Brightheart decided to let her littermates choose where they would live first, wanting to ensure they were pleased with their territories and feeling responsible as the oldest. Stormheart was helped to the valley full of wildflowers and herbs, allowed to rest by the stream while the cats he had helped along the way helped him in return until he could regain his strength. They built a lovely camp in the well-deserved bountiful area. Stormheart became mates with a shy tom and a fierce she-cat, the three raising their kits with the instructions to always help those in need, no matter the clan.


Prefix is usually named after appearance, weather, surroundings, or plants and animals in the area (Red-, Mist-, River-, Rose-, Bird-, etc).

Suffix often comes from appearance, body parts, plants and animals, times, or actions (-spot, -foot, -fish, -grass, -dusk, -step, etc).




Standard StarClan/DarkForest


Stormheart, the first clan leader, has had many great tales told about him... Most of them major exaggerations that came about over the years of retellings.




Behavior Towards...


Clanmates are treated as family. Names are frequently passed down through generations, either the same prefix/suffix or swapped in order from the previous user of the name (Lilybug > Lilykit or Bugkit).


Kittypets are offered the opportunity to become a part-time apprentice. Part-time apprentices do not receive a warrior name unless they leave kittypet life and join the clan full time, but they are welcome to remain a part-time apprentice as long as they are helpful to the clan.


Loners are mostly left alone as long as they don't cause trouble or use up resources, and are simply passing through. They are also offered a place in the clan if desired.


Rogues are given one warning. If there is a second sighting by a patrol, they will attack to drive them off.

StarClan is treated with respect and reverence. Cats in tune with StarClan, such as the medicine cat, medicine cat apprentice, or others who have honed a deeper connection than typically expected are equally treated with respect but not revered.

StormClan has had a few border skirmishes with Echoclan in the past, but rarely. EchoClan normally stays to themselves, so the two do not often come into conflict. They have helped each other out a few times.

FrostClan is very far from StormClan and they do not interact often aside from gatherings.

A fair distance away, they only interact at gatherings.

BrightClan has been generally welcoming of StormClan, but they are far apart and don't often hae reason to meet aside from gatherings.