Sathanus Breath OCs

Gore and Angst of these characters would be loved and encouraged, especially within their story. NSFW is okay for most, but do ask if not explicitly said on their profile first. Obviously no NSFW for minors.

Story Synopsis:


[Post-Apocolyptica, Psychological, Fantasy, Action, Dystopia, Kinda-Horror]

No one knows why, but ten years ago the world fell into shambles as humans were consumed by their inner demons, becoming the manifestation of the monsters and beasts that lived within themselves. Most of humanity had fallen either to become a beast or the prey of one. For the past nine years, Stuggaria, a nation raised from the roots by Damien Eulford and Frederick Von Bannister has formed and set itself out to help preserve what is left of humanity in the lingering world, but as developments come and times change, what will come of our heroes?


[Post-Apocolyptica, Fantasy, Mystery Romance, Action, Dystopia, Kinda-Horror, Psychological]

Twenty two years have passed since the fall of humanity and the rise of beasts. Society has begun to grow again under the leadership of Damien Eulford and massive developments in research regarding the energy source that is known as "purity" and the mass production of "Purity Weapons" - weapons endowed with moderate ability bonuses that make beast skilling much much easier. With the rise of survival and re-stabilization of humanity, internal conflicts pressure the leadership. Michael, in search of answers of his missing mother, and Katelyn, a noble's daughter in an act of rebellion against the status quo, join the Beast Corps and find a sparking connection that neither had expected. Will the spark last, even with destiny and mythical forces beyond their understanding trying to tear them apart?

Sequel: [Not decided fully yet]

Interactions and Inspirations:

Tarot Inspiration:

  • The Hanged Man:  Quincy Hawke
  • The Wheel of Fortune: Jeremiah Knobloch
  • The Moon: Erika Ludren
  • Judgement: Heinrich Hess
  • The Chariot: Damien Eulford
  • The World: Johnathan Ross
  • High Priestess: Katelyn Bannister
  • The Devil: Frederick Bannister
  • The Empress: Hannah Eulford
  • The Emperor: Kaito Kuhn
  • The Star: Enzo Renaud
  • Strength: Lucas Eulford
  • The Hermit: Samuel Eulford
  • The Tower: Jared Pence
  • Justice: Shinrei Eulford
  • Temperance: Yoko Hirohito
  • The Magician: Michael Ross
  • The Hierophant: Bishop Franz
  • The Sun: Kahru Hirohito (still an ass and a menace)
  • The Lovers: Alice Berger, Wilhelmina Knobloch

Major Relationship Dynamics:


  • Bannisters: Alexander, Katelyn, Frederick
  • Rosses: Johnathan, Maribelle, Michael
  • "Church Group": Bishop Franz, Enzo, Johnathan, Maribelle, Erika, Heinrich
  • "Sewer Children": Lycaon, Alice
  • "Good" Eulfords: Hannah, Samuel, Lucas
  • "Problematic" Eulford: Damien, Saiki, Shinrei
  • "Original Eulfords": Damien, Samuel, Mayeline
  • Knobolch: Jeremiah, Wilhelmina
  • Hirohitos: Kahru, Yoko, Fujisajiki
  • De LeClares: Elois, Xandra

SHIPS: (romantic or platonic)

  • Katelyn/Michael
  • Damien/Hirohito, Damien/Saiki
  • Hannah/Samuel
  • Alexander/Feraline, Alexander/Mayeline, Alexander/Wilhelmina (toxic)
  • Quincy/Leah (its complicated)
  • Leon/Fujisajiki
  • Feraline/Gengi
  • Erika/Heinrich
  • Shinrei/Yoko


  • Alex + Jared + Alice
  • Shinrei + Lycaon
  • Hannah + Kaito + Johnathan
  • Enzo + Heinrich, Enzo + Johnathan, John + Heinrich
  • Quincy + Lucas + Leah
  • Kahru Hirohito + Saiki
  • Feraline + Heinrich
  • Feraline + Erika
  • Damien + Frederick, Damien + Heinrich
  • Michael + Gengi
  • Shinrei + Leon + Fujisajiki + Yoko
  • Radix + Michael, Radix + Jeremiah, Radix + Frederick
  • Kat + Xandra + Michael + Lucas + Gengi
  • Alice + Quincy + Alex
  • Erika + Hannah
  • Saiki + Fujisajiki + Lycaon


  • Wilhelmina + Alexander, Radix + Alexander, 
  • Hannah + Frederick
  • Quincy/Leah + Damien/Frederick (rebellion vs government)
  • Kaito + Samuel (not intense, but Kaito likes Samuels wife so its tense XD)
  • Jeremiah + Erika, Jeremiah + Heinrich, Jeremiah + Wilhelmina, Jeremiah + Hannah, Jeremiah + Frederick
  • Eloise + Men (half joking)
  • Katelyn + Michael (they are a relationship, but also lore / destiny wise meant to be enemies)
  • Lucas + Shinrei
  • Damien + Frederick (they feud a lot)

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