Fehn's Bulletins

My very first artfight

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Fehn


1 Votes Wither
2 Votes Bloom
0 Votes Not Playing


I've always wanted to, and I'm finally doing it.. I only have three characters up so far because their character uploader is prehistoric, but I'm hoping to get a handful up today. 

Team Wither!

Good luck!

charas all hidden - be back soon!

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Fehn

I keep seeing posts about all this NFT garbage and people stealing art/charas... so until I have my computer back up and running, I'm just throwing everything on private for now. I need to sort out my authorizations and watermarks and stuff, and then it will be back up. 

Almost there! We're all moved in and happy as can be (I built my first every snowman today!!!). The "den" (basically our computer/game room) is getting closer to being done every day, but there was a lot to be done to get it ready.... hopefully I'll be back on soon though! <3

I am popping onto my phone to check things though, and I've got my eye out for a new character or two to come back to >.>

see you soon!

Spoopy Month Updates

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by Fehn

Hello! Haven't been on much because we're still working on moving but we're making progress! Selling one house while buying another house halfway across the country and doing almost all of it through email or phone is pretty hard lol. Almost there, though, and with luck we will be moving into our new home on November 13th! It's so beautiful and I'm so excited.... plus I will get to see all the leaves change colors and see snow for the first time in my whole life!!!

So if any of you live in snowy cold places, advice for somebody who has lived in Florida for their whole life would be much appreciated. (Especially in terms of ways to keep my pets nice and cozy warm and safe!)

Slow Responses- Moving!

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Fehn

Hello! Just wanted to pop in real quick to say sorry if my responses are hella slow for a while. We're working on selling our house and moving halfway across the country (with five cats and a dog) so I'm really busy x.x

If youre waiting on a response and I don't get back to you within a couple days feel free to poke me again! I mostly check from my phone which is... well.. it does its best lol

Wish me luck!

Art Status

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Fehn

Just wanted to keep a little bulletin to keep track of art things.

Currently owed:
-Nothing at the moment!

Currently waiting on:
-Chibi from Watercolors
-2 Headshots from aitrisis (trade for Stella)
-3 Arts from AwesomeTrina (trade for Darcy, Molly, Lydia)

If I tagged you here, don't feel like you have to rush! I just don't want to lose anything
If something changes and you can no longer do the art, just let me know. <3

One last trade/sale clearout

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by Fehn

I really want to clear out my trade acct and just be done with it, so I'm doing one last trade/sale clearout and hoping for the best.

Everything at Fvhn is up for trade or sale! Mainly looking for chara trades or art trades (art of similar quality to the chara being traded for)

There are also two FMN MYO slots on there that I'm looking to part with!

Username change! Lohkiit > Fehn

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Fehn

Just wanted to let you know

Surprise, Surprise, Look Who's Alive

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by Fehn

Yep, it's me. 

Sorry I dropped off the face of the internet... it's been a wild year. I hope everyone is doing okay T^T I missed my TH friends <3

Just a few life updates, if anyones interested

-I was finally correctly diagnosed with narcolepsy, and just began a real medication (instead of having dr's tell me to drink more water or exercise for energy...) and OH BOI. I don't know if this is what people feel like all the time, but it's insane... I'm awake! Like really actually awake. Not stuck in a fog or slumped over trying to keep my eyes open... I have motivation to DO THINGS. Like... earlier today I thought "I'll just start the dishes so I don't have as many to do later" and then I accidentally did them all. In the past three days of being on this medication I have built a bookshelf and unpacked all my books (a few hundred of them... ow my back), ran around in the yard with my dog (yes, I got a dog!) started (and completed!!!) a craft project, organized my desk, cleaned the house... the list goes on. I kind of feel like I've been robbed of ten years of my life, which is when the narcolepsy started hitting me hard, and now... wow. I just don't have the words. I am so happy.

-I got a dog! His name is Caduceus and he is blind, deaf, and the sweetest big boy in the whole world. He's a catahoula leopard dog, but because of bad breeding practices, he was born as a "double merle", which means he is all white (with a few grey splotches) and doesn't have any hearing or sight. He's about 85 pounds and full of so much love. I've had him for about a month now <3 My five cats are in various states of approval. Stark and Loki like him, Lulu is indifference unless Caduceus steps on him, Spooders is nervous but coming around, and Misha just hates everything but that's literally her entire personality so I knew that was going to be the case xD

If you have an instagram, follow coffee.and.kitties to see all my furbabies! Also please tell me all about your pets, I live for it.
Here's a little preview:


And lastly, I'm going to try to get back on track with character profiles and whatnot sometime soon. As a reminder, I have trades/sales at Fvhn <3

So... how have you been?!

Needs Credits!

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by Fehn

Trying to find credits for some designs and artwork! I'm going to keep them all here in hopes that someone can help me out <3

I think I got this guy through a trade on TH? 
Purchased through resale on DA (maybe TH?) years ago, no additional art
Purchased on DA or TH years ago, no additional art

Some Ideas

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago by Fehn

I had some ideas for adopts a while back that I never got around to.
I plan on tackling them one day, but I thought I'd post my list of "prompts" incase anyone else finds inspiration from them <3

Little City Streets

Summer Flowers

Nervous Nagas

Ice and Snow

Garden Witches

Little Horns

Coffee and Cream

Sweaters in Spring

Dark Unicorns

Bashful Banshees

Octopuses, not Octopi

Lemon Lime

Worldly Ones

Galaxy Rabbits

Winter Elves

Royal Demon

Little Wings

Teddy Bear

Mint and Salmon

Gentle Ballet

In the Library

Wild Mermaids

Midsummer Dream

Playful Spirits

Late Night Deserts

Circus in Town

Autumn Breeze

Lavender and Lemongrass

Afternoon Bubblegum

He's Dead, Jim

Soft Ivory

Mellow Apocalypse

Tea-Time Terror

Red Earth

Bronze and Stars

Aubergine Vampires

Lonely Meadow

Them Bones

Blood and Pearls

Color Spark

Nursery Rhymes

Picking Pumpkins

Solemn Rain

Ghibli Garden

Candy Land

Warm Cocoa

Bubblegum and Cement

Forest Fashion

Carnival Carnage

Freckles in Bed

Docile Vintage

Neon and Ink

Faded Watermelon

Strawberries and Cream

Simple Aqua

Lavender and Toads

Computer Glow

Monochrome Dance

Careful Acrobat

Starburst Chews

Pumpkin Spice

Silent Geisha

Sun Gods

Desert Cacti

In the Toybox

Neapolitan Ice Cream

Cotton Candy Creatures

Lacey Witches

Club Dead

Counting Sheep

Safety Pins

Favorite Flowers

Ghoulish Girls

Fox Mask

Sophomore Year

Danger Noodles

Pastel Pearl

Softly Demonic
