
Species made and run by rem sleep on Chicken Smoothie

what are celestials anyway? celestials, broadly, are angelic canines that have historically monitored the mortal realm. as of late, some celestials have become more interested in the day-to-day lives of mortals, becoming more involved than their predecessors and becoming known to the public for the first time in history. this phenomenon is still very recent, and not a lot is known about celestials- more are emerging each day, and as they do our understanding is becoming deeper.

celestials are supernatural beings- and because of this much about them is a mystery. what we do know about them is as follows; celestials are in touch with a realm unseen to mortals, which they can enter and exit at will. it is because of these spiritual aspect of them that we have never observed the existence of celestials before they decided they wanted to be seen. each celestial has a minimum of two wings, but we have no idea how many a celestial can grow, as we've seen many with a varying number- we believe the number of wings a celestial has corresponds in some way either to their magical abilities, or to their age, though perhaps it has to do with a bit of both. they appear to have magical abilities, and these seem to vary from one celestial to the next- some have fantastical healing abilities, others can grant wishes, or even create miracles- we do not know to what extent celestials are able to affect our reality, but it seems to be a substantial one at least. we know for sure that every celestial can fly or levitate, however, even in cases where their wings appear too small to lift their bodies- this is one power we've noticed consistently across all celestials. their sizes vary, but on average they are about the size of a large canine specimen, which when paired with their canine faces and builds leads us to associate them as angelic dogs more than anything else.

that said, their behavior is atypical and varies dramatically from one celestial to the next, and they've been observed to have very advanced minds on par with their human counterparts- they have been shown to possess the ability to communicate telepathically with others of their own species and humans, if they will it. it's also believed that celestials can sense auras- because they have been shown to gravitate towards or avoid people, seemingly with no criteria at all. it is likely that celestials can sense someone's character without meeting them. it's been observed that some celestials gravitate towards traditionally good people and avoid traditionally bad ones, however we've also noticed celestials gravitating towards sad, troubled or lonely persons, a phenomena which we have yet to properly explore. the fact remains, though, it's likely celestials have some ability to sense auras which influences their decisions on who they surround themselves with.

it's unknown what higher power the celestials follow, but it appears that there is someone or something that has created them and is monitoring the balance they seek to uphold. we do not know anything beyond that such a power likely exists, and we have no way of gathering more information at the moment regarding it.